Page 32 of Exiled

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I sighed. “It’s hard for me to let someone else do all the work.”

“Friends look out for each other, don’t they?”

I smiled. “You’re using my own words against me.”

“We can do this, Lo. But you have to accept that your partner is a hockey team captain. I’m used to leading. I’m used to making sure the people around me are good. Let me do that, okay? Don’t treat it like a tit for tat thing. If the tables were turned, you’d do the same for me.”

“I’d try.”

He went back to cleaning the fish. “You’d find a way.”

“I really want us to win this thing.”

“Me too.”

“Do you think we can?”

He shrugged. “It depends on the challenges. But as long as we stay together and the teams don’t get mixed up again, I think we’ve got as good of a shot as anyone.”

“You never were a big talker. I always liked that about you.”

A smile played on his lips. “Big talkers end up eating their words.”

“What food do you miss the most?”

He didn’t hesitate before answering. “Cheeseburgers. When I get home, I’m eating a shitload of cheeseburgers with all the toppings. How about you?”

I considered what I’d been craving the most since this competition started. “Chocolate chip ice cream sounds pretty amazing.”

“One day at a time. We’ll get there, Lo.”

“Thanks, Archer.”

“For what?”

“For everything.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Romance