Page 30 of Exiled

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When I woke up,the rain had stopped. I blinked a couple of times and looked over at the spot Linda and Nutter filmed from when we were sleeping. It was empty. That meant it was between one and five in the morning, our only camera-free time.

Lauren was snuggled against my side, her leg trapped between mine and her arm draped across my stomach. Her head was resting against the floor. I moved my arm, hoping to get it beneath her neck without waking her up.

Slowly. I had to move very slowly. I got my arm around her, but as soon as I tried to lift her head onto my arm, she stirred.

“Hmm.” She opened her eyes. “Hey.”

“Sorry. I was trying to get your head off the floor.”

I saw awareness dawn on her face in the moonlight. She realized her arm was on my chest and her leg was between mine. When she went to move her leg away, I put my palm on her thigh to stop her.

“You don’t have to move, Lo.”

Having her this close was like being on the brink of heaven and hell, but I didn’t want it to end. I reached up to cup her cheek, and she leaned into my touch. I rubbed my thumb over her cheek and when she closed her eyes, her lashes brushed lightly against my skin.

When I ran my hand down and traced a finger over her lips, she inhaled deep enough that I could feel her chest rise against my side.

This wasn’t come stranger; it was Lauren, the only woman in the world I knew so well we didn’t need words to communicate. I ran my hand down her to her chin, to her neck, and then to her chest. Her hand found my thigh, pushing up beneath the hem of one leg of my swim trunks.

She got as far as she could, her hand brushing my erection through the fabric, and then she moved. In an instant, she was between my legs, tugging on the waistband of my shorts.

I sat up and reached for her, our mouths crashing together frantically. She moaned softly as I gently tugged her lower lip between my teeth, her hands still working to get my swim trunks off.

I untied her bikini top and tossed the scrap of fabric aside, immediately bringing my mouth to one of her nipples to lick and suck it.

“Oh my god.” She breathed the words and they flowed into every nerve ending of my body.

Our years apart made every touch feel brand new and achingly familiar at the same time.

We’d learned the steps to this dance together, but we knew it better now. The clumsy teenager who had marveled at every inch of her body was now a stronger, wiser man who knew the pain of losing her.

She put her hands in my hair, pulling as she kissed me like her survival depended on it. I tugged at her bikini bottoms, but with her legs wrapped around my waist, I had no hope of getting them off.

Instead I took both hands to the back of her bikini bottoms and ripped them, the fabric shredding easily. I cupped her bare ass and she moaned into my mouth.

She scrambled off my lap, breathing hard as she pulled at the waistband of my trunks. I laid back and pulled them down to my thighs, and she finished the job.

I’d never seen Lauren like this. She knew what she wanted, and she wasn’t shy about letting me know. This side of her was sexy as hell.

As soon as she got my trunks off, she pushed her bikini bottoms the rest of the way off and straddled my hips, sinking onto my length and making me groan. She was everything I remembered and so much more.

I held her hips as she rode me, digging deep to hold on. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I sat up, cupping her ass and taking over the movement for her. I captured her lips with mine, kissing her as she held onto my shoulders and cried out.

She was there, and I was only a couple of seconds behind her. It was the sweetest, hardest release I’d ever felt.

“Wow,” she whispered.

There was no word fit to describe how I felt about what had just happened, but wow was the only word I could think of in this moment . I was floored. Never in my life had I had sex that passionate and deep.

If she regretted it, I didn’t want to know. Not tonight. Tonight I just wanted to lie here with her, both of us sleepy and sated. Reality could wait until after sunrise.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Romance