Page 22 of Exiled

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“The top two teams will be heading out for pizza now, but all teams need to be back at this spot tomorrow morning at nine,” he said. “We’re going to shake things up a bit.”

What the hell could that possibly mean? My mind raced with the possibilities.

Rod and Andrea scored the second most points, and the four of us were taken to the same location where Lauren and I had eaten our steak dinner the other night. The same person was serving our meal, too.

“Juan, how’s it going, man?” I said, shaking his hand.

“Great to see you guys back,” he said, giving Lauren a little wave.

Lauren cringed. “Sorry I turned into such a mess the other night.”

“It’s no problem,” Juan said. “Can I start you guys off with some drinks?”

“Absolutely,” I said. “And can you bring some water with the beer and wine?”

He nodded and left, and Andrea gave Lauren a playful look.

“Did someone get a little out of hand with the margaritas the other night?”

Lauren laughed. “More like a lot out of hand. I passed out on the way back to our camp.”

“I probably would’ve done the same,” Andrea said.

Rod arched his brows at me in question. “I’m gonna be deeply disappointed if you didn’t drink until you passed out, bro.”

I shrugged. “I had plenty, but I had to keep an eye on her.”

“Andrea, will you push me back to camp in a wheelbarrow if I pass out tonight?” Rod asked.

She scoffed. “Oh, I’ll put you in a wheelbarrow, but I may accidentally dump you off the side of a cliff.”

“Sarcasm is her love language,” Rod said. “She can’t get enough of me.”

“You’re delusional,” Andrea said.

“Did you guys go the way of Neil and Shayla?” I asked.

“Meaning?” Rod arched his brows in question.

“Lauren and I caught them doing the nasty up against a tree when we were treasure hunting.”

Rod and Andrea exchanged a shocked look.

“Wow. I knew she was a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but that surprises me,” Andrea said.

Rod grinned at her. “We can bone if you want to.”

Andrea laughed. “I’d rather bone literally any other living creature on this island.”

Our drinks were delivered, and we all took a moment as everyone enjoyed their first sips.

“Damn, that’s good,” Rod said.

“What do you guys think tomorrow’s shake-up will be?” I asked.

“Murder hornets?” Lauren quipped. “Maybe a swim with some man-eating sharks?”

“Whatever it is, let’s have each other’s backs,” Rod said. “I want us to be the last two teams standing.”

We toasted to our alliance and then the pizza arrived. While I enjoyed the hell out of mine, I was also sneaking glances at Lauren, who moaned with satisfaction after her first bite. Just seeing her open her mouth was making the situation in my shorts stiff.

“Like it?” I asked her.

“It’s amazing.” She smiled and wiped her fingertips just below her bottom lip. “I love it.”

My heart pounded as I imagined her saying she loved what I’d just done to her in bed. Moaning with the same satisfaction the pizza had given her.

What the hell was wrong with me? I had an unlimited amount of pizza in front of me, and all I could think about was sex. More specifically, sex with Lauren.

It wasn’t happening under any circumstances. And not just because I was unwilling to risk hurting her again, but also because I was pretty sure she felt the same way about me that Andrea felt about Rod.

“Yes, I’d love more,” Andrea said to Juan as he brought out more pizza. “Keep it coming.”

Fuck. I was completely hard now. It was going to be a long night.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Romance