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That was it.

Alicia had died because she’d fallen for Valentino De Luca. Her own father, Alicia’s brother, had seen to it that she died.

A new wave of hatred ran through Milah. How dare they?

Valentino and Alicia could have been something special. Bringing De Lucas and Russos together. Finally ending this war, but instead, her own family had killed her.

She rested beside Valentino.

He hadn’t allowed her body to go elsewhere.

Holding the book in her hands, she had to show this to Damon. To tell him that this feud must now end with the two of them.

Climbing down from the ladder, she didn’t put it away, but left the room, heading down toward his office.

He’d told her that morning, that he’d be working with Raoul. She never asked him about his business. She would start to change that.

Going to the door, she paused when she heard raised voices. She was tempted to leave them to it, but when she heard her name, curiosity got the better of her.

Someone hadn’t shut the door properly, and it was open enough for her to hear clearly without being seen.

“Don’t you think you are taking it a little far with the wedding?” Raoul asked. She recognized his voice.

He was one of the few people who hadn’t warmed up to her. Damon had warned her that Russo was responsible for a great deal of pain. She hoped one day, Raoul would see that not all Russos were bad.

“Enough of this,” Damon said. “I am not going to keep on talking about this. It is done.”

“What has happened to you?” Raoul asked.

“What has happened to me? You want me to stick to my plan, is that it? Don’t you think I’m doing that? I’m not forcing Milah to marry me. The Russo line will end with her just as I always planned. Her child will be a De Luca. Our revenge will be complete. There is nothing of the Russo empire. It has fallen, and Milah was always going to be the last piece of the puzzle.”

Sickness tightened in her stomach, and she felt a little dizzy. Getting pregnant was all part of Damon’s grand plan, and she had fallen right into it.

Of course.

He’d always made sure there was no condom. Refused to wear them because he wanted her to get pregnant.

It was why he’d insisted on marrying her.

If she gave birth without being married, her child would be a Russo. He would have failed.

Damon was nothing like Valentino. He would never love her.

He was just a monster intent on destroying her. She had no doubt that once the baby was born, he was going to make her life miserable. He couldn’t do that now. Not with her pregnant, he had to wait until she’d given birth safely.

That horrible son of a bitch.

Damon hadn’t been falling for her or warming up to her. All he’d been doing was preparing her for the final part of his plan. The complete annihilation of her family. Tears filled her eyes, and she slammed her palm against the door.

“How fucking dare you?” She yelled each word.

“Milah, what are—”

“So this was your big bad plan, huh? To marry me. To fucking destroy me and our child. No, sorry, my child, because you, you’re not going to have anything to do with my baby.”

“Milah, stop, this isn’t—”

“Fuck you.” She threw Alicia’s journal at him, and then she tore off the engagement band. “You are never coming near me. You will have nothing to do with our child, and I swear, Damon, I will fucking kill you and put an end to all of the De Lucas and Russos together.”

She spun on her heel and ran.

No guard stopped her as she fled the house, taking her as far and as fast as she could go, but being pregnant wasn’t great. She was aware of her child.

“Milah, please. Milah, stop,” Glory said, chasing after her.

Tears streamed down her face, and she was done with the farce. With putting on a show. She stopped, spun around, and glared at Glory. “And as for you, you can get out of my sight. I know you were never my friend. You always reported everything to him. To your master. Stay the hell away from me.”

“Milah, please.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic