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Chapter Sixteen

Damon stared at his fiancée as she rubbed some kind of cream into her hands. She wore a white negligee that, in the low light, showed off her body to perfection. It was indecent, and he loved it.

He bought it for her.

Ever since Milah had been shot in front of his eyes, and he’d feared her death, something had changed inside him. He couldn’t put his finger on it, and he didn’t quite understand it, but he had this overwhelming need to know that she was okay. That no harm was going to come to her. He had to know she was all right.

Raoul had told him he was falling for her, but he just laughed it off. He was not falling for a Russo.

But — he had to pause — was he?

Was there a chance that Milah had gotten beneath his skin, and now there was no turning back? He feared that he was indeed falling for her. Staring at her now, he saw the beauty, not just on the outside but also on the inside. The way she treated their new dog and the puppies. They were no longer confined to the room but had free rein around the house. Of course, it meant training them to go outdoors was a nightmare.

It had brought a new wave of laughter to the house. Even his most hardened of men had softened toward her.

Milah had this … air around her. She was destined to be loved.

He adored her.

Closing their bedroom door, Milah turned toward him with a smile.

Free of makeup, her cheeks red from the shower, and he saw the puckering of her nipples.

Her body was all his. He closed the distance between them and cupped her face.

“You’re early.”

“I have a reason to be.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she released a moan. “I have a bath to take, come with me.”

He didn’t give her a chance to turn him down. With his hand on hers, he pulled her across the room, going into his en-suite.

Damon let her go, and he watched her start a bath for him.

The negligee fell to the curve of her ass, but as she bent over, it rode up, and his little minx wasn’t wearing any panties.

His cock went hard in an instant.

Removing his clothes was a task, and he had to be careful when it came to his dick, pushing the zipper of his pants down. Then he kicked them off until he was free from the confines.

Wrapping his fingers around his length, he watched her.

Pre-cum already leaked out of the tip, and he massaged it into his length. When she turned to look at him, he let his dick go, pretending he wasn’t fooling around at all as he climbed in.

Milah got up to leave, but he captured her hand.

“Please, don’t go.”


“I want to spend some time in your company. It feels like I haven’t seen you. Is it so wrong to want to be with you?” he asked.

She smiled. “You must want to be with me to admit that out loud.”

“See, you’ve got to try to not punish me. Besides, I need someone to scrub my back.”

She rolled her eyes, but as he let her go, she didn’t make a run for it.

He leaned back in the bath and released a sigh of relief. “How have you been feeling?” he asked.

“Good. This little dude or dudette has been moving a lot lately.”

“Do you want me to get the doctor?”

“Nah, I think movement is a good thing. They’re very active.”

“I’m starting to wonder if we should have gotten to know the sex. We’re constantly trying not to go he or she.”

Milah chuckled. “I don’t mind not knowing. It’s fun.”

He loved that smile and those dimples.

He grabbed a sponge and offered her the soap. “Wash me.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Be careful. I could get used to that.”

She laughed. “Could get used to it? I bet you already are.”

“Only when it comes from your lips.”

He lifted after she lathered up the sponge. She massaged it into his back, and she took her time washing him.

He loved her hands on him. Having all of her attention focused on him. Reaching out, he put his hand on her stomach, completely blown away by their baby growing.

Milah’s tits had also grown, and she had gotten more beautiful in his eyes. Even with her weird eating habits. There was not a thing he’d change about her.

She was perfect. So fucking perfect.

She hummed to herself as she washed him.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic