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“I’m sorry. I was exploring. Got tired and slept in one of the guest bedrooms. I didn’t mean to be gone for so long.” She offered him a smile.

He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her inner wrist. “I have something for you.”

“Damon, you don’t need to get me gifts.”

“I know, but the moment I saw this, I couldn’t resist, and you can’t blame me until you see it.”

Milah rolled her eyes, and then, she felt herself falling a little more in love with Damon De Luca as he held up a small baby romper. It was a plain white one.

“Oh, my,” Milah said.

“I figured it was time we started to prepare.”

Milah took the romper and pressed it to her face. “I love it.”

“Good, because if you love that, then you will love this.”

He pulled out of a small bag a pair of baby shoes, and Milah gasped at the cuteness of them.

“They’re gorgeous.”

“I know.”

Milah got to her feet and threw her arms around his neck, pressing kisses on his cheek. “I love them.”

Damon held her tighter. “Expect more of them.”

“Our baby is going to be very spoiled, and I’m totally going to blame you.”

“I’m the father. I can spend all my time spoiling my son or daughter.”

Milah kissed him again and went to her chair. “You really don’t mind what we have?”

“Not at all.”

“If our parents could see us now,” Milah said and regretted it instantly.

“Some would be turning in their grave, others would be happy for us, I’m sure.”

She nibbled on her lips as Damon served her some pasta. Her cravings had been driving her crazy. She had asked the new chef to make her a caramel sauce and chocolate pasta. Damon had looked at her like she’d gone mad, but it had been so good. However, now, the thought of eating that made her feel sick.

“What about …Valentino De Luca?” Milah asked.

Damon paused. It was only for a second, and if she hadn’t been watching him, she would’ve missed it.

“How do you know that name?”

“Valentino was at the graveyard with your parents, and everyone knows the tale of the stolen Russo beauty.”

Damon smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his lips. “There are a lot of vicious rumors surrounding our relatives. Especially Valentino and Alicia. I have heard many variations myself. Tell me which ones you’ve heard.”

“Just the two. One was that he raped her because he was mad and wanted her beauty for himself. Another is that they fell in love, but Alicia wanted to go home, and he wouldn’t let her, so he killed her.”

“I wasn’t born when it happened,” Damon said. “My grandfather was always a good man. I know my dad wasn’t always happy with him. I don’t know the truth and he was never forthcoming with what really happened.”

“Oh,” she said.

“Let’s move on to more pleasant business.”

He held out a notebook, and it was filled with different sets of flowers. Then there were napkins.

Milah looked at the selection, and she knew what Damon was trying to do. He was forcing her to make decisions on her wedding, even though she hadn’t exactly been prepared to do so.

“Damon, please, I trust you.”

“Milah, this is your wedding as well. I’m not going to make all the decisions. Also, you need to work on your vows.”

“I thought this wedding was going to be a small event. There were no vows necessary.”

Damon smiled. “When have you ever known a De Luca to do things by halves?”

“I guess you’re right. It’s all in or nothing, right?”

“Exactly how we roll.”

Milah twirled her fork in the spaghetti, put a large serving into her mouth, and started to chew while also looking at the flowers, napkins, and there were even cake decorations.

She pointed at a cream-colored napkin that had their initials. She settled on white and red roses. The color of innocence and passion, which was how she felt their relationship was.

She finished her food as Damon pulled out a menu, and this time, she did groan. “Does it matter what they eat?” she asked.

“You’re going to remember this day for years to come. I want it to be a special one. Full of all your favorite things. Trust me.”

He took her hand once again and kissed her knuckles. She fell a little harder for him.


For the next thirty minutes, over a nice hot chocolate, they came to an agreement on the meal. He was going to handle the caterers.

“I can’t believe we’re getting married.”

“It will finally put an end to the rumors surrounding us.”

“What kind of rumors?” Milah asked.

“How I stole you away to keep you all to myself. How I’m like Valentino.”

“They’re accusing you of raping me?”

“And far worse.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic