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“Get on your knees,” Warrehn repeated. “You will get on your knees and suck your king’s cock.”

Samir flushed again, his lips parting. His gaze flicked down to Warrehn’s crotch.

“You can’t make me,” Samir said, his pink tongue darting out to lick his full lips, as if he had no idea what he was doing to him.

Or maybe he knew exactly what he was doing to him. Maybe his innocent looks were just a facade. Maybe he was as treacherous as Dalatteya, and Warrehn had been a fool, a fool like his father. The thought made him angry enough to bit off, “I can’t? I’m your king. Isn’t it your duty to service your king?”

Samir’s pupils dilated, his breath quickening. “I…” He swallowed. “The door isn’t even locked. One of the guests might return.”

A nasty wave of possessiveness made him grind out, “Good. Kneel.”

His throat moving, Samir stared at Warrehn, before slowly dropping to his knees. He unzipped Warrehn’s fly with trembling fingers, the sound obscenely loud in the quiet room.

Warrehn’s cock sprang out of his fly, red and leaking. Samir stared at it for a moment with glazed eyes before leaning in and licking the head. It felt like heaven, but Warrehn didn’t want false-gentleness. He wanted to fuck that mouth just like Samir had fucked him up.

He grabbed Samir’s head with both hands and slammed his cock into his mouth.

Samir moaned, choking on his length, and it drove Warrehn absolutely crazy. He pulled out and thrust back in, groaning at the slick heat around him, and angry for wanting this so much. But it was bliss, to fuck that sweet, lying mouth out here, in the open, where anyone could come across them and see who fucking owned Samir.

When he looked down, he saw that Samir had his fly open and was stroking his own cock, fast and desperate while Warrehn fucked his mouth. Possible treachery or not, at least he was getting off on this. Slut. Whore. Traitor.

Their eyes met, and Warrehn stared into those wide, lovely eyes, all the nasty thoughts forgotten. He wanted to drop to his knees and worship him, take him into his arms and tell him how much he—

How much he loved him.

He came, spilling deep into Samir’s throat.

His hands shaking, Warrehn yanked his zipper up and strode out of the room, freaked out of his mind.

Chapter 22

“And then your spawn had the nerve to say that I depend on his generosity!” Dalatteya seethed, pacing the room. “If it weren’t for Samir, if my son didn’t get stupidly attached to that odious man, I would destroy him, but now my hands are tied and I’m forced to make nice with your spawn!” She stopped pacing and put her hands on her hips. “Are you even listening to me?”

Emyr hummed, his eyes still on his book. “Of course, pet. I always listen to you. You’re simply not saying anything of note. I expected this to happen.”

She narrowed her eyes, a sinking feeling appearing in her stomach. “You expected this to happen?” she said slowly.

Emyr lifted his gaze, seemingly bored. But Dalatteya knew him. She could see the subtle expression of triumph glinting in those blue eyes.

He shrugged.

She wasn’t fooled. “What did you do?” she said, her heart beating faster.

Emyr leaned back in his chair and regarded her for a moment. “Uriel didn’t make a mistake,” he said, watching her like a scientist would watch a lab rat for a reaction. “You did order him to use the drug Uriel used on our sons.”

Dalatteya shook her head. “That’s impossible. I assure you I perfectly remember my conversations with Uriel, and he admitted that he’d made a mis—” She cut herself off, staring at Emyr. “You messed with my memories.”

Emyr didn’t even bother to confirm or deny it, just looked at her steadily.

Dalatteya’s stomach clenched. So her conversations about the drug with Uriel… Had they even happened? She had been so sure Uriel apologized for the mistake. Had she even talked to him?

“Why?” she said.

“To protect my line,” Emyr said. “I knew you would have my son killed, sooner or later, no matter how vigilant he was. The only solution was to make Samir want him alive—you wouldn’t want to upset your precious son. The drug would have tied them together and bought Warrehn some time at the very least, and I calculated the likelihood of them getting attached to each other to be quite high, considering that they’re both lonely and desperate for affection, and your son is undoubtedly as weak and soft as his father was.” A small smile curled Emyr’s lips. “Stop looking at me that way, my dear. You should allow a prisoner some small amusements. Ruining your plans to end my line was just a bit of harmless fun.”

“You…” Dalatteya shook her head, angry with herself for not expecting something like this. Even imprisoned and mostly powerless, Emyr was still one of the most dangerous men she’d ever met. It had been foolish of her to think that she could completely control him. “You messed with my mind. How do I know you aren’t brainwashing me?”

Tags: Alessandra Hazard Calluvia's Royalty Erotic