Page 14 of Double Doms

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“Whatever,” I concede. “I better run to this appointment to get Jimmy’s custody lifted. It should be just a formality. The last time he showed up drunk, the judge told him it was the last chance. Plus, I think I can now get a restraining order.”

“Well, thank fuck for that. And good luck, girl. Talk to you later.”

I hang up, thankful for one good thing in my life.

* * *

Friday’s shift is a bitch.I’ve been out for three days and am having a hard time adjusting after the shit storm curtesy of Jimmy.

Stone isn’t on the schedule, and I’m not sure if I should call him, accepting his invite. I can get his number without question from Bridget and Simon. But, then again, I can’t get the man, my neighbor I’ve not officially met, out of my mind. I think he’s moved on, though he’d been there for such a short amount of time.

My adoration for said stranger is because he’d made a very potential bad situation ten times better.

The computer has what may look like my attention to the outside world, as I should be working on discharges, but my mind is racing.

“Earth to Charis,” the familiar voice croons, an amusement in the three words. “I was hoping I’d see you today.”

Yeah, as you’ve guessed, it’s Stone. My attention shifts to him, and he’s leaning over the counter in a short-sleeved polo. The strong biceps I’ve missed in his doctor’s jacket are stretching the sleeves of the pale-yellow shirt.

“Oh, hey, Dr. O’Leary.” Can I pull off aloof when all I’ve done is think of him and the hero man who came to my rescue? Yeah, I could do better with that name, but hey, I’ve named him on the fly.

“Since my day off got cut short, with Mr. Bell being readmitted, I was hoping something good would come from it, like running into you.”

I could listen to his Irish accent all day.

“All I’ve been working on are discharges.” Yeah, could I get a little more personality to go with this chitchat?

“So, I know I wasn’t going to pressure you, but I’ve not seen you either. Bridget told me she was covering your shifts, family in town last-minute.”

Oh, bless Bridget for not giving too much away. I’d like to hold back the story of the crazy ex-husband for another day.

“Um, yeah. My parents came in last-minute, and I had some unforeseen things to take care of.”

He taps his chin. “Unforeseen things. That’s vague, but I understand vague. Just know, I’ve had my share of unforeseen things, too, in life. If you need a listening ear, I’m around.” His offer takes me by surprise. He’s sweet, there’s no denying it, but he’s also cocky, full of himself, and sure can reel in the ladies.

“Oh, thanks. As a matter of fact, I was hoping you were working today. I was thinking about taking you up on your invite for the party. And wasn’t sure if I should bother Bridget for your number.”

His lips quirk up into his signature sexy as sin smile, showing just enough of his bright white teeth. Can teeth be sexy? Because his are.

“Well, let me give you permission to bug Bridget for my number, if you ever need it again.” He leans over and his cologne invades my senses. And hell, if it’s not what I’d dream he’d smell like—the fresh breeze at the ocean and peppermint. “As a matter of fact, milady, here is my personal mobile, just for you.” He scribbles on the pad of the paper, and I look it over, because a doctor’s handwriting is known to be atrocious. “Clever girl, making sure you can read it.”

“Yeah, I can make out the numbers. Good thing I already know your name.” I’m all of a sudden extremely nervous, and I can feel my cheeks redden. “How about I text you my address? I’m sure you’ll need it, right?”

He gives me a little bob of his head. “Yeah, that’d be great. I’ll be over around one in the afternoon.”

“My parents are taking my daughter away for the weekend, so that’ll work.” Oh, shit. Does he think I said this because I want him to know I’ll be free all weekend and my house will be empty?

“Ah, great. My ex-father-in-law has my son. So, I’m all yours, milady.”

Shit, he does think this. My cheeks no longer are simply red, they must be crimson because I feel they’re on fire.

“Relax, Charis. Just friends. Remember?” I breathe for a second until he turns back around. “Unless we both decide we want more, and we can—you know—we’re both adults after all.”

He twists around, leading toward the hallway to patients’ rooms. And I watch his fine ass in a pair of faded denim jeans as his words continue to float around in my head. Yeah, we’re both adults after all.

Tags: Leigh Lennon Erotic