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“Wait, what? Where are we going?”

He wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me forward, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. “You’ll see.”

Once more, I find myself in the car, heading toward the middle of campus. My mind is churning with happiness and apprehension. I’ve never seen him like this, almost like he’s carefree.

When the chapel looms up ahead, my heart plummets. The place where everything went wrong. “Look, we don’t have to… We’re already married.”

“Will you just trust me for once?”

Stepping out of the car, he holds out his hand, easing me out of the passenger seat. Whatever it is that he has planned, I’m not sure I want it. Nothing good really happened in this chapel, and I’d much rather put our past behind us so we can start over.

But when he opens the door, everything freezes. This is nothing like last time. Candles line the aisle, casting their cheery glow across the interior. My eyes drift up to the altar, but I quickly look away, not wanting to let any sort of arousing thoughts cloud my mind.

When we step inside, tears stream down my face in earnest. There, waiting for me, are my parents. Tearing away from Luke, I run toward them, slamming into them with a force that probably isn’t good for Lainey. But at the moment. I don’t care. All I care about is that two of the most important people in the world are here, hugging me, holding me.

“Oh, Shelaine,” mom my wails as her arms tighten around me. “My poor, poor Shelaine. You’re alive. You’re okay! Everyone told us you were dead, to just move on, but we couldn’t. I knew, deep down in my heart, that my baby girl was still alive. I prayed for you daily. When Luke told us about you being kidnapped…. Oh. Oh, honey. We’re so glad he found you.”

My mother’s teary voice sets off another wave of sobs, but when my dad holds me close, I cry even harder. He was my rock for so long. The man I looked up to. Even though my mom and I have been close, I’ve always been a daddy’s girl, first and foremost.

Since the day I was kidnapped, I thought I’d never feel his arms around me again. It fills in all those missing pieces, the little gaps that made things too painful to even breathe at times. They’re here. Both of them. I can’t believe Luke did this for me. Is that where he went?

Honestly, it doesn't even matter. My parents are here, and that’s all I care about. Lainey will be able to know her grandparents, and they’ll be able to know and see her. Until Luke, that wasn’t even a possibility.

“Oh, my little daredevil. I’m not even surprised that you’re okay. You were always good at getting out of scrapes. Your mom and I were worried sick, but I told her. I told her you were our little spitfire. If anyone would survive and thrive, it would be you.”

“Daddy,” I choke out, hugging him once more.

His tears are hot as they soak into my shirt as we stand there for what feels like an eternity. Even with having my arms wrapped around him, I still can’t completely believe he’s here.

Pulling me back, he and mom both look at my stomach and then back up to me, their eyes wide with happiness.

Mom reaches out and touches my belly, a huge smile crossing her lips. “When are you due?”

“Well, if the timing is right, January fifteenth.”

“Oooh,” she squeals. “A NewYears’ baby!”

Laughing, I give her an indulgent smile. “The fifteenth is like halfway through the month.”

“Well, yes, dear.” Her voice is matter-of-fact as she pats my hand. “But you came early. There’s a chance this little one will be early too.”

A shuffling sound catches my attention, and I watch in amazement as people start to drift in from the sides to fill the pews. So many people are here to support me, but none will be nearly as special as my parents.

“We’re sorry we missed the first wedding. Please let me walk you down the aisle for this one?”

“Oh, Daddy. Of course. I -. Nothing will make me happier. I just still can’t believe you both are here. It’s like a dream come true!”

“Luke brought us,” my mother chimes in, pulling away so she can look at my stomach again before giving it a soft smile. “Not to sound cliche, but he made us an offer we couldn’t refuse.”

“Oh lord. I can just imagine what he either did or said. Hopefully, no threats or blood was involved.”

My mother looks at me, her mouth rounding in an O of surprise. “Nonsense. He’s the kindest, most respectable man I’ve ever met! And I’m so glad you have him in your life.”

My brain stops for a moment as I try to process her words. Nice and kind are not usually the adjectives that surround Luke. He must have made some impression on him.

“Oh,” my mother continues as she slips away to find her seat. “And he’s been kind enough to let us live nearby until after you have your baby. We can stay for as long as you need.”

“But your jobs -.”

“Shush,” my dad buts in, his thumb brushing away my tears. “Your mom works remote, and I can work wherever they allow cameras. It was time for a change anyway, and New York was always on my list of places to capture.”

Looking back over to the front, I watch as Luke makes his way out to stand next to the priest that married us before. I can hardly believe my eyes. Gone are the polo, slacks, and running shoes. In its place is a man that practically drips refinement.

My clit throbs as I stare at the perfectly tailored tuxedo. Even with all the submissive claimings I’ve seen, there’s never been a Dominant as fancy as he looks right now. And it’s all for me. He never had to tell me he hated suits. It was clear from the way he destroyed the one he wore at the claiming.

So, to see him up there, immaculate, dressed up for me. It’s more than I can possibly express. Will he actually keep this one? Or will it be ripped to shreds, like the other? Part of me wants him to keep it so that he can strip for me, but I’ll never force him to hold onto something he doesn’t want to keep.

Glancing over at full pews, practically bursting with well-dressed Dominants and submissives, I feel so dull in comparison. But with the way that Luke is looking at me, I might as well be the best-dressed there. The lust and affection that shines in his eyes nearly take my breath away.

My heart swells as the processional music starts up, and my dad threads his arm in mine. It’s still so unbelievable that he’s here. It’s like a dream come true. Reaching over, I lay my hand on top of his and give it a squeeze, trying to not tear up. So many tears have been shed already.

As we walk down the aisle, I can’t help but count my lucky stars that I found Luke. It’s not going to be smooth sailing by any means, but somehow, someway, I’ll shower him with so much love that his jagged pieces become a whole heart.

Until then, I’ll just have to sacrifice myself to my monster, my lover, everything.

The End

Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic