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Since that fateful day in Mr. Smiley’s office, things are progressing far faster than I imagined, and not just with our little baby. According to the ultrasound, she’s already a spitfire, not giving Shelaine a moment of rest. She’s not big enough for me to feel any of the kicking, but if the heartburn is any indication, our little girl is going to come out spicy.

More than that, we’ve learned how to fall into an easy rhythm. It’s hard to stay gentle with Shelaine when all I want to do is fuck her senseless, but watching her stomach grow has kept those urges at bay. Granted, I’m still rough when I pound into her, but I make sure Shelaine is in a position where nothing will injure our precious little one.

What it means also is that I have to put my desire to claim her last virgin hole on hold. Since it’s one of the ways that I was abused, I want everything perfect for her. I want time to prepare her, ease her into it. But with the baby, I’m even more worried about hurting her, and so, I stick with what I know is for sure okay.

It may be me being overly cautious, but I want her healthy and happy. I do indulge her in other ways, however. Anything to keep that smile on her face. What I can’t give her sexually, I give her with gifts and time, other, more vanilla tokens of my affections, and she seems to thrive from it.

Shelaine finally started using her new camera, making me deliriously happen. Though we both agreed to no storms until after the birth. Instead, she’s been taking pictures of flowers, leaves, anything she finds beautiful in nature, to help decorate the small nursery we’re working on. She’s so happy, and I never thought I’d be at least partially the cause of that wide smile that never leaves her lips.

The air is stifling and hot as we head out to the quad to watch the scores of parents milling around for Parent's Day. I haven’t done anything with the information about her parents yet, so there’s no way they would be here. Unfortunately, since I have students, I have to do the whole meet and greet thing, rubbing elbows with people that have more money than brains.

Glancing over at Shelaine, I note the sadness in her gaze and turn to head back toward the house. She doesn’t have to be here for this. Besides, with her stomach starting to show, I’m sure this heat isn’t good for her. But she pushes my hands away and gives me that smile that never fails to steal my breath.

Since finding out that she’s pregnant, we’ve both tried to come together as a family. It feels so fucking good to hold her in my arms as she sleeps, to be able to lean over and kiss her, touch her, hold her any time I want. Before, there was a wall I had to break down just to show her the smallest bit of affection, but now, everything feels free and light.

I still haven’t told her the horrors of my childhood, and I probably never will. All I know is that our little girl is going to be the most cared-for child in existence.

Even now, the very idea of little Lainey running off and getting kidnapped keeps me awake at night. It haunts my dreams until I have to go back out and sleep on the couch to keep from disturbing Shelaine. She never leaves my side unless I’m leaving her at home, and even then, Todd helped me rig some cameras so I could always watch her.

I don’t give a damn that she still wants to work. There’s no way I’m letting her do anything that could put a strain on her and the baby. It was our first big fight since we learned she was pregnant, but I held my ground. I couldn’t be with her in the office, ensuring that Dean Anderson didn’t let her get too stressed.

Besides, she’s not his responsibility, she’s mine, and if I’m going to be the one in charge, I need to know that she’s okay and not getting overworked. Despite her cajoling, despite the tearful pleading, she finally relented. Now, she takes her pictures and works on the nursery. But even then, I only allow her to do the light stuff. Anything heavy, and she gets her ass spanked by me.

It’s the only punishment that I know for a fact won’t be harmful to either of them. The fact that I can’t cut into her is a hell all on its own. Now that we’re getting closer, I want to fuck her like I used to, to tease her with my knife until she’s begging for me to cut her.

But I can’t. I can’t do anything to put her or this baby at risk. Coming up from behind, I gently wrap my arms around Shelaine and let my fingers drag across her tummy. Nothing and no one will ever put my child at risk. I would sooner die than let that happen.

All the possessive feelings inside me for Shelaine are still there, but now, they extend to the child growing in her belly. With another quick hug, I let go and walk beside her, gripping her hand in mine. Soon, she’ll be able to do another ultrasound, and we can see just how much Lainey Grace is growing.

It’s perfect. The happy ending I never thought I could ever have or even want. “I know you want to see my students run, but it’s far too hot out here for you. Let’s get you back inside.”

As we start to turn, my phone goes off, shattering the calm. An unknown number flashes across the screen, and for a moment, that old feeling of dread splashes over me. But I push it aside. It’s Parents’ Day. No doubt someone needs directions.

When my half-sister Shelby’s voice comes through, my blood pressure spikes as unease fills my gut. Why is she calling me? Logan would be furious if he found out. It’s bad enough that she sends me letters, but this would probably be far more than he could bear.

I can hardly understand her words through the frantic pitch of her voice, but I make out enough. Gun and kill. Unable to listen to her anymore, I hang up, slide the phone into my pocket, and urge Shelaine into a faster sprint.

My shoulders tense as I wrap my hand around her arm and drag her behind me, moving as fast as I can but still keeping her safe. The last thing I want to do is alarm her, but sooner or later, she’ll figure out that something’s wrong. I’d rather be inside the safety of our house when shit hits the fan.

Since being at Loftry, I haven’t done anything to provoke Micha. I know he wants me dead, but I was supposed to be safe here. My eyes scan the horizon as we shuffle back to the house. Once Shelaine is inside, I lock the door behind us and race into the room to grab a bag.

I can’t take her with me, and I sure as hell can’t leave her alone. The only person I can think of to protect her is Grigori. Though I might not know him as well as I would like, he’s got connections. If anyone can keep her safe, it’s him. Whipping out my phone, I pull him up in the directory and shoot off a message.

Dominant Luke: I need your help. My past is catching up to me, and I need to deal with it. I can’t leave Shelaine alone. She’s pregnant and vulnerable. Can you help?

Dominant Grigori: Yes. I’m sending Sergei right away. He’s my right-hand man, the bodyguard that watches over Chelsea. He’ll defend her with his life.

Dominant Luke: Thank you. I owe you one.

Dominant Grigori: Consider it a baby gift from me. *devil emoji* He’s on his way now and will be to you in about twenty minutes. And congratulations on the new arrival.

Dominant Luke: I’m more grateful than I can express.

Relief floods my body as I stare at the message exchange, nearly buckling my knees. For a moment, I have to process the fact that she will be safe. Grigori didn’t ask any questions. He didn’t make any demands. All I had to do was express a need, and he was there to deliver.

Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic