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Seeingthe trust shining from her eyes punches me in the gut. There are so many things I could do to her with this knife, and many of them would be things she wouldn’t enjoy. And yet, she’s allowing me the use of her body with no stipulations.

I bring the tip down to her breastbone and let the point sink in as I slow down the rhythm of my thrusts, prolonging things for both of us. The sheer concentration it takes to use this knife but not harm her takes away some of the need to get off. Some guys use baseball stats to keep themselves from shooting off too early; I use danger.

Her exhalation comes out in a shaky breath as I pull her back from her orgasm. I know exactly what she wants. She wants my blade at her throat. It will get there eventually, but right now, I’m going to have some fun with this blank canvas.

Pulling up on the tip, I glide it down her sternum and curve it under her right breast before coming down the breastbone again and curving to the left. Scarlet marks blossom from her pale skin, and I watch, mesmerized as a few drops of blood well up to the surface.

Shelaine’s body is tense, her breathing rapid and harsh, but she doesn’t struggle. She knows better than to struggle when my knife is on her skin. Grinning down at her, I drag the tip down to her belly button and circle a few times before gliding my blade over her stomach in abstract swirls.

What I’m doing is mostly scratching the surface. The blood that does come up is minimal. At the most, she’ll be itchy and uncomfortable as she heals, but this won’t really require any major tending to.

Soft moans float up toward the ceiling, drifting into the ether as we are both locked into this moment together. It’s far more intimate, far more erotic than just sex alone. It’s the trust, the sensual dance, the sacrificial offering. Looking down into her eyes, I watch as her pupils dilate. She’s looking at me but seeing nothing.

She’s floating away, untouchable. I want so badly to carve into her, to make my mark on her skin, but I don’t want to take advantage of her in this state. It would be far too easy to go too far. Instead, I bring the knife up to her throat and rest it there as I grab her vibrator and turn it back on before placing it on her clit.

A soft smile curves her lips as she looks at me, and for the first time, I really feel what could be love beating in my chest. I want so badly to love her and to have her love me in return, but it’s such a foreign sensation. How will I even know I’m doing it right?

Pushing those sappy thoughts from my head, I resume my thrusting, making sure I keep the knife at a steady pressure so I don’t injure her. Her moans are music to my ears, and I could listen to them all damn day. I want to drown in Shelaine, to consume her until there’s nothing left of either of us.

Her moans turn to frantic wails as her body ripples beneath mine. My own orgasm hovers just out of reach. I keep holding back, wanting her to get off first. I want her first time to be something memorable, but only in a good way. Shelaine’s body bows up, and I toss the knife to the side.

I know what she wants, but right now, what I need is to invade her as she falls apart beneath me. Sliding my lips over hers, I thrust my tongue into her open mouth, forcing it past her teeth to tangle with hers, fucking her mouth like I’m doing her tight pussy.

Her body explodes underneath mine as frenetic energy rolls over her and surges into me. My balls draw up so fucking tightly as her inner walls milk my cock, nearly robbing me of breath.

My own body explodes, and I pour my seed into her, claiming her as mine in the most intimate of ways. True, I’ve forced my cum into her, but not like this. I will never have this moment again - the first time to ever cum inside that virgin pussy. It’s a miracle I have enough brain space left to pull the vibrator out from between us, turn it off, and toss it onto the bed.

Groaning, I thread my fingers through her hair, holding her still as I plunder the soft recesses of her mouth. Our breath, our bodies, our tongues, everything fuses together, making us one. She’s my other half, the pure light to my depraved darkness. The whole to my jagged edges. She completes me in a way that I never even dreamed was possible.

My cock starts to soften, and I know I can’t stay in her much longer. Pulling out, I smile as I watch my cum spill out of her and splat onto the floor. Luckily for me, I don’t have to clean it up. That job belongs to some nameless submissive.

Unable to resist any longer, I pull back and reach for the large box first. Her lips tremble as she looks up at me, her eyes searching mine for something, but I can’t tell what it is she wants to hear, see, or know. She’s limp beneath me on the bed, spent, drenched in sweat, and oh so glorious.

“I know you get a special band after being claimed, but I wanted to do something a little different. I don’t want eager jackasses searching your wrist for a little scrap of leather. I want them to know from a distance that you’re owned.”

Lifting the lid, I pull out a silver eternity collar with a large ring hanging in front. From that ring dangles a small camera and tornado. Her eyes widen, and her mouth drops as she sees it.

“How did you -.”

“Shhh, rabbit. I have my ways. Now lift up your head so I can put it on you.”

She does as she’s told, her eyes flitting about. Even her fingers clench and release as if she’s on the verge of panic. But why? Many Dominants gift their submissives collars. It’s what they do…. Right? I don’t typically allow others to make me question myself, and I don’t normally give into self-doubt, but this is important to me. If I somehow fucked it up, it could be devastating.

Despite the conflicting emotions churning in my gut, I line up the two pieces and put in the little screw. My thoughts bounce from place to place as I take the hex key and tighten it, making the collar a permanent fixture around her neck until I choose to take it off of her.

“Do you not like it?” I struggle to keep my voice even, to give nothing away that might make her hide the problem.

“No, no, I love it. It’s perfect. Just perfect. I-. I don’t think I could have asked for a better collar.”

The tight band around my heart eases for a moment, but there’s still something there, something unreadable in her eyes. I obsess over it, my brain whirring a mile-a-minute as it comes up with scenarios and thoughts.

“But what’s not right. You can’t hide from me, Shelaine. I know something’s wrong.”

“It’s not you!” She cries out, tears gathering in her eyes. “It was just so unexpected, so overwhelming. It made me miss things that I thought were already in the past.”

“Things like another guy?” Unable to help myself, my fingers start to curl into fists.

I don’t want to know the answer. I’ve been here less than a month. I can’t kill someone so soon, but if I have to, I will. If it drives whatever phantom love interest out of her mind, I’ll do it.

“Yes, but not how you think. I just miss my dad. It’s okay, though. I love it. I promise I love it.”

I exhale out the anger and frustration that started bubbling toward the surface and force a smile onto my face. Her father is innocent. It’s a ghost she's allowed to have.

“Don’t cry, rabbit. I’ll help you build new memories. I promise.”

She nods up at me, her lips curling into a watery smile. Looking over at the other box, my heart thumps so hard I’m sure it’s about to fly out of my chest. I’m Luke fucking Lannister. I’m not afraid of anything, least of all a marriage proposal. She’s already my submissive; this just seals us even further.

Holding it in my hand, I make quick work of her restraints, undoing them as fast as I can. When she’s free, I stand back in front of her and hold her left hand in my free hand and stare down at her, searching her face for any other potential issues. The emotions from a few minutes ago seem long gone as she slides her finger around the collar and smiles.

“Shelaine Gallagher, I’m not going to kneel because I refuse to do this with cum on my knee, but will you marry me?” I open the box, showing her the simple silver band with a small diamond in the center.

It’s certainly not the best ring out there, but it’s what I felt I could comfortably afford. Once I’ve been at Loftry for a bit, I’ll probably be able to afford a bigger one. At least this way, I’ll have the commitment I need, the bond that will help me sleep at night.

My heart races as I await her answer, but her face is anything other than pleased. Does she not like the ring? I never took Shelaine to be a shallow girl. That’s honestly one of the things that drew me to her. She had simple tastes and seemed easy to please.

Did I somehow get her all wrong? Did I miss some clue or something else that would have told me why she’s looking at this ring like she wants to throw up? The faces around us stare at the scene before them in rapt attention. It’s humiliating that she’s taking so long to answer.

Leaning in, I rest my lips against her ear and whisper low enough that only she can hear. “You’re going to fucking nod and take my ring. If you have any issues, we will discuss them at home. Don’t you dare embarrass me like this.”

The moment I pull back, she plasters on the fakest smile I’ve ever seen and holds out her hand. She’s shaking so hard, hard enough that I have to hold her wrist just to put the ring on.

Flashing my own false smile to the crowd, I hold her hand up so everyone can see. “She said yes!”

Tags: Vivian Murdoch Loftry University Playthings Erotic