Page 91 of Dulce

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Abruptly, he turns us and stalks toward the bed and lowers me down onto it, his body still connected to mine for the briefest of seconds before he pulls free and flips me over onto my hands and knees.

He doesn’t ask for permission or show any patience as I scramble to get my balance. He surges inside me with enough force that I topple forward.

He yanks my hips so they stay high, but my chest and cheek stay pressed to the bed as he leans over me and thrusts in and out of my greedy pussy at a more leisurely pace.

“Where were you? Were you with Luka?”

It takes me a second to process his words. When I do, I freeze, realizing he’s used Luke’s real name. I pretend I don’t notice his slip and push back into his thrusts.

“No, if I fucked Luke, we’d have just come home. Why does it matter to you, anyway?”

“I don’t want him touching you.”

“Well, you don’t get to tell me what or who I do with my body.”

He presses a kiss to my bare shoulder before pulling back and getting to his knees between my spread legs.

“It’s funny you think that, but this pussy—” he thrusts hard at the word pussy. “This ass—” His thumb presses against my asshole, not pushing inside, but the threat is there. “It’s all mine. If I want to fuck it, I will, and I sure as shit won’t be letting Luke inside you.”

“You had no problem letting Cain fuck me, though, did you?” Damn hypocrite.

He slaps my ass hard before picking up his pace once more and fucking me harder.

“There is a big difference between fucking little boys and fucking other men.”

“Yeah, one you can control and the other you can’t,” I tell him with a moan, already having figured him out.

“Clever girl, Everly.” I can hear a smile in his voice as he reaches around and strums my clit, making white spots dance before my eyes.

“Now tell me where you spent the night. Who did you let inside my pussy without my permission?” he hisses. Although I should be pissed at his highhandedness, I can feel myself dripping at his words.

“Griffen and his boyfriend, Hunter,” I admit, knowing he either already knows or he will soon. It’s why I made sure they were seen and asking for me at Cassandra’s party. It’s why I came home in Hunter’s hoodie and made them post intimate pictures of me that I normally would never allow on social media.

His movements falter for a second before he fucks me harder, a punishment perhaps. If this is how he makes me pay for my sins, I’m happy to bend over and repent.

“Did you come for them, Everly? Did they fuck you together, both their cocks moving in tandem to bring this greedy pussy its release?

“Did they make you feel this good, little lamb?”

I scream when he hits a particularly sensitive spot inside me and feel my body barreling toward the end zone.

A spiral of bliss wraps itself around me and squeezes tightly, refusing to let go until I’m wrung out and ready to sob.

“Come for me, Everly. Come now!” he roars as I feel him erupt inside me. It acts as a hair-trigger, setting off my orgasm with such ferocious intensity that it steals my breath and leaves me wrecked, like a piece of driftwood being tossed around on a stormy sea.

I can barely lift my head when I feel him move away from me, only to return moments later with a wet cloth, which he uses to gently clean me.

He crawls up behind me on the bed and wraps his arm possessively around my chest as he buries his face in my hair.

“What happened to not fucking your student?” I whisper.

“I quit. I need you more than I need anything else. With you here, nothing else really matters anymore,” he tells me quietly.

He holds me as his breathing evens out, and I feel him relax his hold.

He must have been awake all night waiting for me to return but thinking about that reminds me of everything that transpired.

Our little bubble of denial bursts, and everything comes crashing back down.

The tears I had so valiantly held at bay run down my face unchecked, soaking the pillow beneath me as I fight to keep the storm inside me from tearing me apart.

I can forgive a lot. There isn’t a single person on this planet that hasn’t made a mistake. I’ve given absolution to many in my lifetime, but some things are unforgivable. Those people must be held accountable. They deserve to be punished, and if that makes me a vigilante that runs around playing God, so be it. I can live with the marks on my soul. Or at least, I used to be able to.

Until now. Until him. The dark part of me, the disturbed part that thinks nothing of torturing and killing people, wants to give him a pass. To pretend we can live in the same world, share a life, even if we are on different sides of the war.

But I can’t. There can be no forgiveness here. Some lines can’t be crossed because once you do, the person staring back at you in the mirror becomes a stranger.

All I can do is give myself a minute, just one moment in time, to love a monster before I wake up tomorrow and kill him.

Tags: Candice Wright Romance