Page 74 of Dulce

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To say they were shocked would be an understatement. I guess knowing what I do and seeing what I do are two very different things.

“I’m not sure I even want to know how many felonies we are committing right now,” Hunter drawls.

“Not as many as I usually do.”

“Funny how that’s not as much comfort as you seem to think it is.”

“Hunter, focus,” Griff snaps.

“Shit, sorry.” He pops the trunk and tosses Luke inside.

“Tell me again what happened tonight and how we ended up here.”

I sigh before slamming the trunk shut and spinning to face him.

“I was searching Cassandra’s room. I heard her and Luke bumping uglies. He said some stuff that aroused my suspicion, and then slipped a drug of some kind—likely a roofie or two—into Cassandra’s water bottles. I knew he’d come back when the party died down to find Cassandra passed out, which she did. It just happened to be from my fist, not his doping skills.”

“And you had to knock Cassandra out. Why?”

“I couldn’t let her in on the plan, and I sure as hell couldn’t let on that I’m more than I appear to be. It would blow my cover.”

“And knocking her out didn’t blow your cover?”

“No, I hit her from behind. What? Don’t look at me like that. There is nothing noble about my job. I just do what is necessary.”

He shakes his head as I pull the hat off and toss it on top of the trunk before unzipping the jacket and taking it off.

“So you knocked her out and…” He waits for me to continue, his eyes moving over my body as I bend down and slide the pants down my legs, struggling to get them over my boots. Once I pull them free, I toss them on the trunk and straighten my skirt.

“I laid her on the bed and waited. When Luke arrived, I knocked him out too. I used a textbook for that, though, not wanting to mess my knuckles up. I figured that book had to be good for something other than studying.”

“Naturally.” Griffen smirks, taking the bundle of clothes from the trunk.

“Why are you stripping?” Hunter cocks his head, his mood shifting to one of curiosity.

“I always get horny when I kidnap people.”


I roll my eyes to deflect. It’s better they don’t realize what a freak I am too early on.

“No. I’ll just need a spare set of clothes to change into after I interrogate Luke.”

His eyes widen, but he doesn’t say anything else, his mouth doing an open and close thing resembling a fish. It would be cute if I wasn’t getting frustrated.

“Look, I get that this is a lot, but I never lied to you about who I am and what I do. I mean, after the last time I lied to you, that is. Urgh, you know what I mean. You have to decide if you can deal or not. If you can’t, I get it. I really do. I’m fucked-up, but it’s not like I leave the cap off the toothpaste. I’m not a monster, for God’s sake.”

Griff laughs at that. “It’s an adjustment for him. He’ll get over it.”

Hunter sighs, but he doesn’t disagree. “Let’s go before he wakes up. Please don’t let us get pulled over. If we do, I’m claiming I’m a poor innocent hitchhiker that you two kidnapped for nefarious reasons.”

“Oh, don’t mind me. I’ll just climb out from under the bus you just threw me in front of.” I snort.

“Hey, I’m too pretty for prison.”

I raise my brows at that as he flushes.

“Not that you’re not pretty. You are. You’re fucking beautiful, but—”

I grip the collar of his shirt and yank him down to me, slamming my mouth against his.

He gives in immediately, his hands going under my ass as he picks me up and walks me to the front of the car, and sits me on the hood.

“If you scratch my car, Hunt, you’ll pay for it.”

Hunter pulls his lips from mine to look at Griff.

“Oh, I’m gonna do more than scratch it.” He winks before sliding his hands up my skirt.

His fingers find the flimsy material covering my sex. He grabs it and rips it away with a snap that stings my skin.

“Fuck, I’m going to need new underwear if you two carry on destroying them.”

“I don’t know, I like knowing you’re bare under these prissy little skirts you wear.”

He wraps his hands around my legs and yanks me so my ass is hanging off the edge of the car. I lean back on my elbows, my adrenaline riding me hard.

“I really don’t think now’s the time or place, Hunt,” Griff groans, but I can hear the arousal in his voice. I think these two are experiencing their own adrenaline rushes.

“Now’s the perfect place.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a condom before handing it to Griff.

“Slide this over my cock.”

A rush of need has me squirming at the authority in his voice. It’s not a side of Hunter I see very often, but that’s what makes their relationship unique. There is a balance that has nothing to do with me. There is a push and pull. A dichotomy of want and need working in harmony. Both are willing to give, both willing to take, and like two perfect sides, I’m the lucky girl that gets to be the creamy filling.

Speaking of creamy fillings.

“Please,” I beg shamelessly.

Griff drops to his knees so I can’t see him anymore, but the sound of a zipper lowering and the rustle of denim lets me know he’s doing as Hunter asked. Hunter groans, his head falling back for a minute. It almost makes me want to sit back up so I can see, but then I’d miss out on the expressions starkly shown on his face. I know that’s not something I want to miss. There is nothing sexier than watching a man come undone.

Tags: Candice Wright Romance