Page 69 of Dulce

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“Sure, sounds good to me,” I reply absentmindedly as my eyes clash with a pair of green-colored ones.

Cain is across the room, his eyes on me as a girl in a barely there skirt sits on his lap, kissing his neck. When he sees me watching, his hand slides up the back of the girl’s neck before he grips her hair and yanks her mouth to his.

I turn away as they kiss. Despite the odd relationship between us, if you can call it that, I have no claim on him. Besides, I’m not exactly keeping my hands to myself either. If he was interested in something more, I wouldn’t be able to offer it to him anyway. It doesn’t stop my traitorous heart from hurting though.

“You okay?” Scott asks, looking down at me.

“I’m good. I’m just hungry. I hoped for snacks.” I pout, making him laugh.

“Come on. Let’s go raid the kitchen. Casey, Sarah, we’ll catch up with you later. My future wife is in need of sustenance.”

I grin and let him lead me down the hallway to the large communal kitchen.

“You sure do know your way around the place. Are they all like this?”

“What, the dorms?” At my nod, he answers. “On this side of the quad, yes. These are slightly bigger and reserved, if you like, for the more elite students. The ones on the other side are single rooms with no kitchen. They rely on the cafeteria, which, as you know, is nothing to be sneezed at.”

“Ain’t that the truth. I had some kind of pasta dish there yesterday, and I swear it was so good I had real tears in my eyes. And, Scott? I am not a crier. You know how people say that something is better than sex? I never really got that until I took my first bite. It was almost orgasmic.”

“I’ll be sure to pass your compliments on to Gino.”

“Ah, the Italian chef, right? I remember you mentioning him.”

“Yeah. He used to run a restaurant not far from my family home. We would go there all the time when I was a kid. I was sad when it closed, but according to Gino, he makes three times as much here as he ever did there, and he doesn’t have the stress that comes along with being his own boss.”

“Makes sense, but I still think the man must be slightly crazy.”

“Why? He still gets to cook all of his signature dishes.”

“Because he willingly chooses to work with a bunch of rich, hormonal teenagers with attitude and not an ounce of sense between them.”

“You know that you’re talking about yourself there too, right?” He laughs.

“Oh, I know. I’m a pain in the ass. I’m willing to admit that. I’m also high maintenance and my mouth tends to engage before my brain.”

“Well, at least you know your flaws.”

“I prefer to think of them as personality enhancements.”

“Of course you do.” He smiles at me indulgently before pulling open a large fridge and checking out its contents.

“Hmm…not a lot here. Some fruit, some yogurt—”

“Yogurt will do.”

He grabs the yogurt and passes it to me before tugging a drawer open and rummaging around for a spoon.

He hands me the spoon as I peel the lid off. I take a large mouthful.

“You know, this might be right up there with the strangest party I’ve ever been to.”

“Oh really? And what exactly makes this so strange?”

“We’ve been here ten minutes, and while I’ve had people side-eyeing me and my supposedly ten-inch cock, nobody has approached me. Instead, I’m alone in the kitchen with the hottest girl here, watching her eat yogurt, and my dick isn’t even twitching.”

I pause with my spoon in my mouth.

“Hmm…that does seem odd. Maybe your dick is broken?”

“Seemed fine earlier when I was watching porn.”

“Maybe I’m not your type.”

“You are everyone’s type. Even gay men want to fuck you.”

“Oh,” I reply, feeling strangely glad about this. I don’t want him to look at me that way. I like that it’s different between us.

“And yet, looking at you licking that spoon, my dick is still sleeping the night away. Shit, maybe it is broken?”

I laugh and toss the spoon at him. He grins and catches it before tossing it in the sink.

“I’m thinking, and I’ll admit, it pains me to say this. What I feel is more of a familial thing for you. Like, I can recognize your hotness, but I don’t want to bang you. I want to warn guys off with a shotgun until you’re thirty and I’ve had the police run background checks on them.”

My eyes widen before I burst into laughter. I can’t help it. I’m the most lethal person in this house tonight, and Scott is standing here feeling like he needs to protect me.

“Maybe I should start calling you Daddy?”

We both look down at his dick.

“Still nothing?”

“Not even a quiver. Sorry, my dear, but it looks like you’ve been friendzoned.”

I clutch my chest in pain. “Oh, the agony and heartache. I gave you the best weeks of my life, and this is how you repay me. And to think I had the china picked out, along with our future children’s names,” I curse loudly, drawing a crowd.

I look at him with a wicked expression on my face. He shakes his head, but it’s too late.

Tags: Candice Wright Romance