Page 66 of Dulce

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“Why would you think that?”

“I don’t think that. I just wonder what has you all out of sorts. You are not an out-of-sorts kind of girl.”

“Luke didn’t do anything. He asked me some questions. I answered. He poked, I prodded back, then I left.”

“What kind of questions?”

“Aren’t they confidential?”

He shrugs. “Luke is neither a doctor nor a priest, but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want me to know. I was merely asking so I might be able to help you work through whatever it was that upset you.”

“I’m not upset,” I fire back straight away before deflating. “I think I’m angry. That Luke was not the Luke from home, which logically I get. But you…”


“You’re not the same here either, but I never question it. It fits, and you are still the same underneath. Luke was just different. I didn’t like it.”

“It’s his job to ask questions that can hurt or make you feel angry or sad,” he says softly, his words sounding as if he read them in a medical journal somewhere.

I fight my grin. “Thank you, Dr. Aslanov.”

He chuckles before sitting on the edge of his desk, my eyes drifting to his bulge briefly before I move my gaze away so I don’t get busted.

What is it with these teachers and sitting like this when they have perfectly good chairs? It’s just asking for them to get mounted by a sex-starved girl who wants to practice her rodeo fantasies.

“What’s that look on your face for?”

Crap. I reach out and wipe my mouth, hoping I wasn’t drooling at the thought of being a cowgirl in my dirty thoughts.

“Nothing. I was miles away. Anyway, something that stuck in my head was the way he mentioned you.”

His face turns blank. If I wasn’t familiar with his expressions, I might have thought he was bored or uninterested. He’s not, though. He’s pissed.

“And what exactly did he have to say?”

“It’s not so much what he said, but how he said it. It made me feel like he was warning me away from you, which makes sense if he was genuinely worried, but it came across more like he was jealous. Add to that that fact that he fucked his fist to my cries of pleasure, and he’s hardly an innocent party in all this.”

He stands up and sighs. Instead of walking over to his chair, he sits in the one beside mine.

“He’s right, though. The last thing you should be doing is getting involved with someone like me. Smart girls would run.”

I twirl my hair and bite my lip. “Well, gosh darn it, I guess I ain’t all that smart then.”

His lips twitch as he leans closer, but I don’t pull back.

“You are the one who has more to lose here than me,” I remind him. “Luke’s words aside, I don’t think many parents would be happy to know the headmaster was fucking one of his students.” Not that we have fucked, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t done it before.

“I haven’t, you know.” He laughs sardonically, making me realize I’d said that last part out loud.

He looks at me to clarify. “I’ve never touched another student. Never wanted to. I don’t fuck my students. I told you that.”

“Yes, you did. Remind me, was this before or after your mouth found its way to my pussy?”

His hand snakes around my throat, pulling me closer.

“Only you. There has only been you. There might have been the odd faculty member that passed through, but never a student. I don’t know what it is about you that has me breaking all my rules.” He says the last part quietly, almost to himself.

“Did you fuck Miss Smith?” He lets me go and frowns.


“You heard me. Did you fuck Miss Smith? Because that woman hates me. It’s more than that, though. She hates anyone in her class that arrives wearing boobs. I have to wonder if it’s because she suspects you might be having liaisons with students, or if she just sees herself as the next Mrs. Aslanov.”

“Don’t mistake me for one of your friends, Everly. I’m not now, nor will I ever be your fucking friend. I don’t sit and chat about shit that has fuck all to do with you.”

“And here I was hoping you’d braid my hair. Now all my hopes lie in tatters.”

“That fucking mouth,” he growls before his lips slam into mine.

Our teeth clash as we kiss hard and fast like we’ve been starved of each other. My whole body comes alive at his touch, making me want to strip naked and spread myself out on his desk. But this is neither the time nor the place with the secretary on the other side of the door.

Dmitri is thinking differently as his hand forces its way between my crossed legs. His fingers yank on the cotton of my panties until they slip beneath the material. He slides his fingers over my bare pussy, waiting with all the patience of a hunter for me to make my next move.

I part my legs, giving him the green light, unable to resist.

Tags: Candice Wright Romance