Page 55 of Dulce

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We both freeze at the sound of Dmitri’s pissed-off voice.

Slowly, Cain pulls away, his tongue taking a final swipe of my swollen bottom lip before he winks, adopting a smirk before he turns to face the man who is seething with anger.

Cain walks toward him with the kind of swagger only an eighteen-year-old asshole can pull off.

I can’t help it. I grin, dipping my head before I get caught. It’s been a while since I got in trouble for making out with someone in the hallway.

I snag my bag and Cain’s, calling his name and tossing it at him when he turns. I walk forward, adopting Cain’s vibe. Instead of swagger, I channel my cockiness into a sexy sway of my hips and ass, which both Cain and Dmitri watch avidly.

I walk past them and head to Dmitri’s office, feeling their eyes on me as they follow.

Opting for the same chair I sat in last time I was here, I slide my bag to the floor near my feet and sit and wait for them to enter.

Cain drops into the chair beside me as Dmitri slams his door closed. I don’t think anything of it until I hear the lock click into place.

I turn with a frown just as he closes the blinds on the door before moving to the window and closing those too.

“You were just gonna fuck right out there in the hall where anyone could see you?”

Cain shrugs, not fazed at all by Dmitri’s outburst. I’m surprised, given the cold shoulder he’s been giving me.

“I don’t care where I fuck. If a bitch wants me, I’m game for anything. I’m accommodating like that.”

“Call me a bitch again, and your ass will be accommodating my foot.”

“Interrupt me again, and your ass will be accommodating my cock,” Dmitri snaps, making me suck in a sharp breath.

I look at Cain, wondering how he’s taking this. If Dmitri wanted to keep whatever it is between us a secret, he’s just blown that right out of the water.

Cain shuts up, but he doesn’t look shocked. If anything, he looks…wired, as if he’s expecting something to happen.

Son of a fucking bitch. Either this is some kind of setup, or they’ve done this before. If the latter is true, it changes how I approach things, and it’s the slap in the face I needed. Reality can be a bitch when you’ve been living in a dream world. I’m not special to these guys. I’m just this week’s favorite flavor. Unless…could Cain have been the one who touched me when I was blindfolded in Dmitri’s room?

“You liked being watched, Everly?” Dmitri looks at me as he leans over his surprisingly bare desk. I’m sure it was more cluttered than this the last time I was here.

I chew my lip, wondering how I should play this.

Checking Cain out of the corner of my eye, I see him grin and drop his head. He’s having way too much fun at my expense.

I wonder if this is the part when other girls quake in their designer heels and apologize profusely so their already pissed parents don’t get a phone call that could act as the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Maybe that’s the kind of manipulative power games they excel at here. Hell, I’m the queen of games, and even I’m second-guessing every move I make. But if they want to play, fine. I’ll call their bluff. The difference between me and the other girls here is that I’ll push back.

“You want to know if I liked being watched? What do you mean exactly, sir?” I twirl my hair, looking suitably confused.

He raises a brow and leans forward.

“Do you like being watched when you fuck?”

Cain’s breathing falters for a second before it picks up.

“Hmm…feeling eyes on my skin while a cock moves inside me? Oh yeah, so good,” I coo, holding back a snort.

“Show me.”

“Huh?” What mind fuckery is this now?

“You just told me how hot it makes you. Stand up and slide those panties off and show me.”

I look at Cain, wondering how far they are going to take this, but his eyes are fixed forward as if waiting for his next command.

“Come on now, little lamb, don’t be shy. You were willing enough to flash that pussy to the rest of the school just to let Cain get you off. Well, I’m offering you the same thing now.”

I glare with a huff. I stand and shimmy my underwear down my legs, letting the little black thong I’d slipped on this morning drop to my ankles.

I step out of it, but before I can pick it up, Dmitri is grabbing it and rubbing his fingers over the material before he brings it to his nose and breathes deeply.

Fuck. A rush of wetness slickens my pussy despite my anger. Cain’s groan tells me he’s not unaffected by Dmitri’s actions either.

“They smell sweet, but they’re not soaked. Not like the last time I peeled them off you.”

Goddammit. I rub my thighs together, a movement he doesn’t miss.

“Are you lying, Miss Sinclair? Do you really like to be watched, or are you just telling me what you think I want to hear? You won’t be the first. Little girls like to tell tall tales.”

He holds out his free hand for me to take, which I do, if only to prove to him that I’m not afraid of him.

“I don’t tell tales, Mr. Aslanov. Huff and puff all you want, I still won’t come in.”

“Tut, tut. We both know that’s not true. If I wanted to fuck your pretty face, you’d open your mouth and swallow me down until you choked and tears ran from your eyes.”

He tugs me toward him, grips my hips, and lifts me onto his desk.

“As much as I’d love your lips wrapped around my cock, I want to see you fucked. Lie back.”

I do as he asks, avoiding looking at Cain as I watch to see what Dmitri will do next.



“Fuck her.”

I grip the edge of the desk hard enough to cramp my fingers.

Both of them look at me, waiting for me to protest or run away. Although I’m surprised, I don’t let it show. Instead, I cock my eyebrow and spread my legs.

The movement draws Cain’s attention. He steps forward, but Dmitri’s hand on his chest stops him from moving closer. For a second, I think he’ll be the one to back down. But when Dmitri pushes his hand between my legs and shoves two fingers inside me, I think I’m as guilty of underestimating him as he is me.

“Now you’re wet.” There is a little bit of awe in his voice, but he masks it as he runs his eyes over my face, checking for fear or…something. I’m not sure what.

“Is this for me or for Cain? Is it his dick making you wet or the thought of me watching you take it that’s turning you on?”

“Does it matter?”

Tags: Candice Wright Romance