Page 44 of Dulce

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“I saw you with more than one. Each of them mooning over you with saliva dripping from their lips. It’s fine. We never talked about exclusivity. I didn’t expect it, knowing that there would come a time where I’d have to fuck the answers out of someone.”

“No, Ev, or Dulce, or what-fucking-ever you want to be called. What I’m telling you is there was never another girl because I’ve never had another girl. I’ve never slept with one, never wanted one beyond kissing to hide who I really am. Then you came along, and I thought you’d cured me for about two days.”

Hunter laughs at that, despite the tension in the room.

“What happened after two days?”

“I walked in on Hunter in the shower. I was definitely not cured.”

“There was nothing to fucking cure, that’s why,” Hunter snaps.

“I know, Hunt. I’m just explaining what I was feeling then.” He looks from Hunter to me. “Before you, as far as I was concerned, I was one hundred percent gay and so far in the closet, I might as well have been in Narnia. Then you came along, and after I realized I wasn’t magically fixed, I figured I was simply bi. The thing is, though, Dulce, I’m not attracted to girls. I’ve tried to be. Since you’ve been gone, I’ve done some soul-searching. I’ve put myself out there, but nothing. Not a single cock twitch. It seems it’s coded to your pussy, and that’s the only one it will work for.”

I look at Hunter because I have no clue what to say to that.

He shrugs. “Don’t look at me. I’m bi and always have been. I might not have been openly out at school, but before my dad died, my parents were supportive of me. I wasn’t hiding who I was, I was busy finding myself. I always wanted Griff, but I had no idea he was into guys. When you came into the picture, it added more proof that he would never be mine. Worse, though, I wanted his girl too. Yet again, I wanted someone I couldn’t have, and it pissed me off. Gave me a chip on my shoulder because it was hard watching you both, knowing I could never have that.”

I throw my hands up in the air. “None of this changes anything. You know that, right? I’m still going back, and if I need to later, I’ll let Aslanov fuck me over his desk.”

Quicker than lightning, Griffen wraps his hand around my throat and leans into me.

“Do you think I don’t know that? Now touch my dick and ask me how much I care?”

On reflex, I reach out and cup him and feel just how hard he is.

“I don’t understand.”

“Yeah, well, that makes two of us.”

“Pretty sure it means the thought of Ev, eh, Dulce fucking Aslanov gets you hot,” Hunter surmises, and I can’t help it, I laugh.

“Not you too.”

He loosens his grip, frowning at me.

“Aslanov likes to watch me fuck. He likes to call the shots. All the shots.”

Griff groans and closes his eyes.

“Okay. Shit, I get it,” Hunter adds, his voice sounding rough.

I look between them. They’re both turned on. Where is the anger and name-calling? Shouldn’t they have thrown me out by now and called me a whore or something? In all the scenarios I’ve played out in my head, this was not one of them.

“I need to go.”

“Look, how about this? You do what you have to do. No repercussions. We’ll even help you in any way we can. But afterward, when the smoke clears and the dust settles, we want a shot, a real shot at making this work. Or at least exploring the possibility of what could be,” Hunter says softly.

I look at Griff to see if he objects, but he’s just watching me.

“Is that what you want?”

They nod at the same time. It would be comical if I wasn’t so shocked.

“You say that now, but what about tonight when I’m gone and you’re wondering about who I’m fucking?”

“Then I’ll fuck him, and he can calm me down.” Griff points at Hunter, who rolls his eyes.

“Yes, glad I can be of service, asshole.”

Griffen grins at him, making me shake my head.

“You guys are utterly insane.”

“We know. Lucky for us, you’re crazy enough to fit right in.”

“So, do we have a deal?” Griff asks.

I think about it for a moment, knowing I can’t make any promises or offer any guarantees. Even so, I can’t say no. I don’t want to.

“Okay. If you let me finish what I need to do, I’m willing to explore the possibility of us. I just don’t know what that might look like yet.”

“That’s okay. Turns out, we’re pretty fucking adventurous and open to suggestions.” Griff winks.

Tags: Candice Wright Romance