Page 25 of Dulce

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“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”

We make idle chitchat as we drive to the coffee place and buy the largest iced coffees known to man before heading back to campus.

“Oh, shoot. I need to run back to my dorm before we head back. I have a feeling Miss Smith will drone on because she loves the sound of her own voice, and I won’t have time to run back before my next class.”

“No worries. I can come with you if you like,” I tell her as we climb out of the car, iced coffees in hand.

“I’m still trying to find my way around here, so…”

“Oh yes, of course. I’m such a boob. I should have offered to show you around yesterday.”

“Nah, it’s fine. You had a boy stuck to your face, so I get it. How long have you guys been together?”

“Me and Case? Thirteen months.”

“Love at first sight? I’m nosy, I know, but… No, I have no excuse. I’m just really nosy.”

She chuckles. “It’s fine, really. I have no problem talking about my man.”

We head toward the far end of the quad to one of the newer buildings.

“It was most definitely love at first sight for him, though not for me. I thought he was a pain in the ass player like all the rest of them.”

“What changed your mind?”

“He did. He put in the work. He didn’t go out with other girls once he let me know he was interested in me. He would wait for me after class and walk me to my next one, even when his were on the opposite side of the campus. He made me laugh and he’s good to me. I’m not explaining it well.”

“No, actually, you are. All that bullshit about Romeo and Juliet, most of it I was just saying to get a rise out of the witch. But I do stand by what I said about it being a toxic relationship. What you and Casey have, that’s what girls our age should be looking for. And more than that, we should be expecting it. So many times we settle, and it’s a shitty habit to get into. Once you’ve compromised yourself, it becomes easier to do it again and again.”

“How old are you?”

Shit. Rein it in, Dulce.

“Eighteen. But I am wise like Buddha and after this coffee, I’ll have a belly like him too.”

She snorts as I follow her up the stairs and down the corridor, passing rooms on both sides.

A door swings wide as we get close to it. And just my luck, Cassandra strolls out.

“Oh, Dorothy, you’re a long way from Kansas,” she mocks me before turning her glare on Sarah. “And you brought your little dog too.”

Sarah snaps her teeth. “This bitch bites, so back the fuck up.”

Surprisingly, she does, allowing both of us to pass without further issue.

“Oh, and Cassandra? Don’t forget to have my uniform cleaned. I’ll pick it up from security later. Okay, bye now.” I wave when she hisses and stomps her foot like an overgrown toddler and stomps away.

“So, it’s not just me she dislikes?”

“Cassandra hates everyone. And most days, I think she hates herself. I steer clear of her drama, but I don’t let her push me around either.”

“Oh, I noticed.”

She unlocks her door and pushes it open, hurrying inside to find the book she’s after.

“Did someone get attacked in here? Because this room looks like a crime scene.”

“Haha. Tidying is not my strong point. So sue me.”

“It’s a relief, actually. I was starting to think you were too perfect.”

“What?” She laughs, wiggling in victory when she finds the book she is after.

“Pretty, smart, funny, kind, and welcoming, but with enough backbone to have a verbal smackdown with the leader of the bitch brigade?”

“Bitch brigade? Oh, I like that. Come on, crazy woman, or Miss Smith really will have something to yell at us about.”

“I told you it will be fine. I have a plan.”

“Oh God, why do I suddenly feel afraid?”

“Because you’re smart, remember? I literally just reeled that off as one of your attributes. Stop fishing for compliments.”

She elbows me and shakes her head as we make our way back, draining our cups and tossing them before heading inside.

* * *

Tags: Candice Wright Romance