Page 20 of Dulce

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I know they are following me, but they don’t speak again, so I don’t comment. I’ll be back at the house soon, and I don’t give a shit what they have to say.

I make it to the front door and stop to wave them goodbye, but they push past me and head inside, leaving me to contemplate why.

“Ah, fuck. Please don’t be my roommates,” I grumble, hoping fate wouldn’t be that unkind. Except, I know she is. That bitch loves nothing more than to mess with me.

I follow them inside and head upstairs while they head to the kitchen.

Once I make it to the bedrooms, I walk straight to Aslanov’s closet and snag one of his shirts. He won’t be happy, but that’s nothing new.

My luggage is here, but they are at the security office waiting to be searched for illegal contraband and any weapons. If I had known it was going to take them so long, I’d have packed more than just clean underwear in my backpack.

At least I got to eat. That’s something, although I’m starting to wonder if pizza is cursed for me. I never get to finish it.

With nothing to do right now, I walk out to the sofa and plonk myself in the center. I tuck my legs under me before using the remote to flick the television on.

I channel surf for a while before settling on a vampire movie my mom used to love, about a teenage boy who moves to a new town that happens to be inhabited by vampires. There is a scene where rice appears as maggots. It put me off rice for life.

I lose myself in the movie until voices catch my attention moments before the asshole twins stroll into the room. They glare at me before heading to the two rooms behind me.

I don’t believe I have to live with these guys. Thanks, fate. Please do suck my metaphorical dick, you bitch.

They disappear for a few moments before reappearing out of their uniforms. One is wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and the other is wearing a pair of low-slung sweatpants. My kryptonite.

I keep my eyes averted. I know if I look, I’ll see the outline of his dick. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he got me hot and bothered. If I need my sweatpants fix, I can go to the gym.

Most people go to the gym to work out, and I do…work out, that is. But mostly, I go for the dick bounce. In a gym, I’m spoiled for choice.

I make sure I wear something tiny, it’s only fair. If I’m going to ogle and sexually objectify people, then they should get to return the favor. Plus, my tiny shorts usually make those dicks bigger, so it’s a win-win situation.

The twins sit on either side of me without a word, each with one of their thighs touching one of mine.

They don’t speak, they don’t move, they don’t do anything. Okay, fine, I’ll admit it unnerves me a little.

“Are you going to tell me your names, or should I just go with twin A and twin B?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you my name for sure. You’ll need it when you scream it later,” the one on the left states.

“Why, are you going to chase me with a spider?”

“Joke all you want, but we both know what you’re here for.”

“Well, it sure as hell isn’t stimulating conversation.”

“I can stimulate something.”


“I’ll admit, it sounded better in my head,” he considers, making my lips twitch.

“Look, believe it or not, I’m not here for either of you. I’m here because this is where Mr. Aslanov assigned me.”

“Ah, a gift then. He is mightily generous.” He grins, running his finger over my knee.



“Alright, Abe, touch me again and I’ll snap off your fingers.”

“Feisty. I like it.”

“I can die a happy woman,” I deadpan, climbing to my feet.

“Now, don’t be like that. Just think of us as the welcoming committee.” He grins, leaning back, spreading his arm over the back of the sofa.

“Thanks, I consider myself welcomed. Now, isn’t there something else you should be doing? Like cleaning your evil lairs or devirginizing a fair maiden or two?”

“That only happens on Tuesdays,” the other twin, who I now know is Cain, pipes up. His tone is surlier than his brother’s.

“I see you’ve met?”

I turn at the sound of Aslanov’s voice and see him take in our half-undressed states. His jaw tightens and his hands fist, but otherwise, he’s the picture of calm.

“Boys, meet your new roommate.”

“Aw, see? I told you she was a gift,” Abe taunts.

“She is not a gift. She is a student just like you, and so help me God if I have to remind you of that fact even once, you’ll be out of here before you can even pick up the phone and call your precious grandfather. Any questions?”

Tags: Candice Wright Romance