Page 51 of Cabin Mates

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“Then repeat after me.” She lowered her voice to a a whisper, so it was only Heath’s voice that rang out to our friends and family gathered to watch this.

Tears threaten, and wild butterflies take off in my chest. A storm of emotions, all centered on this man. My husband. My partner. And his promises.

“Emily, today I take you, together with Wyatt, as our wife. I promise to love you and cherish you, support you and protect you, every day of my life. With everything that I am and with all that I have, this is my solemn vow.”

I squeeze his hand, swaying toward him.

I love you, he mouths.

I mouth the same back, then it’s Wyatt’s turn.

“Wyatt, do you take Emily and Heath to be your forever partners?”

“I do.” He grins, repeating it again to the next question, and then it’s his turn for his vows. “Emily, today I take you, together with Heath, as our wife. I promise to love you and cherish you, support you and protect you, every day of my life. With everything that I am and with all that Heath has, this is my solemn vow.”

Everyone bursts out laughing on the last line, including Heath, and Wyatt grabs him in a one-armed hug, because his other hand is holding onto me.

“Just kidding,” he says, sobering up. “With everything I am, and with all that I have, this is my truly solemn vow.”

I wipe away the happy tears that slide loose at his humor. Because now it’s my turn.

I squeeze both of their hands as I say I do twice. “Heath and Wyatt, today I take you as my husbands. I promise to love, cherish, support and protect you, both of you, every day of my life. With everything I am and with all that I have, this is my solemn vow.”

“In honor and recognition of these vows, it is my greatest joy to recognize you as husbands and wife. In an orderly fashion, you may both kiss the bride.”

Heath grabs me first, pulling me in between them. And it’s Wyatt whose mouth softly closes over mine, who kisses me first, and sweetest, before turning me to my other husband for a searing embrace to mark that I am his. Theirs. Forever.

And then Wyatt needs to meet that heat, and I’m back in his arms again, and he’s dipping me all the way back.

By the time I’m standing and Rosie is giving me back my bouquet, I’m all out of breath and my cheeks have to be fiery blazes.

I don’t care. Because everyone is cheering, and my husbands both have shit-eating grins on their faces.

We did it.

And now forever can begin.

* * *

Tags: Chloe Maine Erotic