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She sat there patiently, trying to control her breathing as he spoke with the valet. She heard his door close and could feel the other man closer to her, but she didn’t feel comfortable getting out without Ozzie. Embarrassment came over her at what the strange man must think of her blindfolded and sitting in the front seat. Her skin felt flushed with fear and excitement. It wasn’t until she felt the air move around her and the soft scent of Ozzie’s cologne that she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. He reached in and pulled her carefully from her seat.

Once she was standing, she wrapped her arm around him and whispered, “Where are we?”

“The Citadel.”

“The what?”

“You’ll see soon enough.”

With his hand at her back and her grasping his arm, he directed her into a building. She could hear the muffled sound of club music playing, but when they stepped inside, it didn’t overwhelm her. Instead, he directed her into an elevator where an attendant greeted them.

“Good evening Mr. Ashford. It’s good to see you.”

“You too, Mike. How has business been?”

“Good, it’s never a slow night around here.”

The elevator dinged as it came to a stop, and Sofia nearly lost her footing. If Ozzie hadn’t been holding her in place, she surely would have fallen. Everything about the night was a rush of adrenaline. Sure she felt strange not being able to see, but the way Ozzie held her and kept her safe as she moved through each direction he gave her was a thrill all of its own.

“You are doing very good, little Nixie,” he murmured in her ear as they walked forward, then addressed the attendant, “Thank you Mike, we will be good from here.”

“Yes, sir. Mistress Roman is waiting for you both in the lounge.”

Mistress Roman? Where exactly were they? Sofia spent most of the week coming up with a million different scenarios for their weekend, but visiting a mistress wasn’t one of them.

“Ozzie, what exactly is The Citadel?”

“It’s anything a person wants it to be,” he answered as he helped her through a doorway and then to sit on a plush velvet couch, “And tonight, this place will be whatever we want it to be.”

“Are we in a sex club?” she asked, trying to hide the shock in her voice.

“Not necessarily,” a female voice answered from the corner of the room. Sofia’s body tensed, but Ozzie pulled her closer to him on the couch.

“Sofia, I’d like you to meet Mistress Roman, the owner of The Citadel.”

“It’s nice to.. umm.. meet you, ma’am.”

“Sofia, Oscar tells me you have never been to a club like mine. Is that true?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Roman is fine, dear. I’m not your dominant. He also told me he wanted this all to be a surprise for you. Is that true?”

“Yes, it is. I didn’t know we were coming here.”

“How do you feel about that?”


“How does it make you feel? That he took you some place without your approval?”

Sofia reached her hand out to her side and grasped Ozzie’s before answering. “I trust him completely.”

“The question I asked wasn’t about trust dear, it was about feelings.”

“It’s okay, Nixie, you can tell her the truth. I won’t be upset,” he breathed into her ear.

“If I had to choose one word to describe how I’m feeling now, it would be excitement.”

Tags: Nikki Rome Billionaire Romance