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“I’m not.”

“You’re not?”

“Nope. Think about it Iz, this solves all our problems.”

“I don’t have any problems. My life is just fine. I am happy and single and I don’t have my reputation dragged through the mud every time I’m caught falling out of a club with prostitutes hanging all over me.”

“Hey, they weren’t prostitutes.”


“Okay, I get it. I don’t have the best track record here, but the two of us are unstoppable. Everyone always thinks there is something going on between us. Why not just fuel the flames a bit?”

“Micah, you don’t get it. I have worked so hard to prove myself worthy of this job. I busted my ass to get every single client I’ve brought into this firm and it was on my own merit, not because I was screwing the boss.”

“Do you honestly think anyone is going to believe you got where you did by sleeping with me?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then you don’t know yourself at all. Izzy, you are the most talented person working at this firm. It is obvious to everyone you come in contact with that you are the one calling the shots around here and I never correct them. Do you know why? It’s because they are right. This place would fall to pieces without you, and I’m fine with that. It’s likely not the best business decision, but what can I say? I’ve been making shit up as I go around here. The best thing I ever did was hire you and everyone knows that.”

Isabel was stunned. The words Micah said were honestly true. He needed her, but that he actually realized how important she was to his business was a surprise.

“I didn’t realize you felt that way.”

“Of course I do.”

She watched as he stood from his seat behind his desk and walked to her. He sat down beside her and pulled her hands into his. “Izzy Diaz, I need you more than I need anyone else. I promise you, if we can maintain this fake relationship until this deal is finalized, I will give you anything you ask me for. It won’t be forever, just until they place the last trade and we transfer everything to the firm. Then you can kick me to the curb.”

“It feels so deceitful.”

“Don’t worry about it. I will take the brunt of the breakup. No one would ever believe I’d leave you, but they would certainly believe I’d fuck something up which would cause you to leave me. We’ll figure that all out when the time comes.”

“The media will be all over us.”

“It’s fine. I’ll call Alyce and she can handle it from the PR department.”

“And the other women? The parties? All the shit that’s become your life?”

“Done. Finished. I would never disrespect you like that. While we are in a relationship, you will be the only person in my life. I promise.”

“It’s not a relationship.”

“Right, sorry... while we are engaged in this business arrangement, I will behave. Deal?”

“Micah, so help me God, if you mess my life up while I’m trying to help you, I will never forgive you.”

“I know, and I wouldn’t risk losing you. Besides, I just explained how you hold together my entire business. I have too much to lose.”


“Great! Let’s call your mom,” he said, popping up out of his seat and reaching for the phone.

“My mom? Why?”

“Because we need to take her to dinner tonight and tell her we are dating.”

“Oh no, we are not. I’m not lying to my mother. She will see straight through me.”

“Izzy, we have to be all in here. Besides, she already thinks I’m set to be her future son-in-law,” he said with a laugh.

“She does not.”

“She most certainly does. The woman is convinced we are already keeping things from her. She told me the other night when I brought you home.”

Isabel dropped her head into her hands. How had she gone from waking up this morning with not a care in the world to living a lie the size of Texas? When her mom found out the truth, she would never forgive her. The next few weeks were going to be impossible.

“Mrs. Diaz, it’s Micah. Izzy and I would like to take you to dinner tonight. Would you mind if we pick you up around six?”

She could hear Micah on the phone as he made arrangements, but couldn’t make a move to do anything to stop him. The deal with the Morales family would be monumental for the firm, and that place had become her life. She needed this, and so did Micah. But to pretend they were in love was going to be impossible. Sure, she could put on the show for the public like a good little actress, but how did she keep her heart from not believing the lies? The intimate gestures during their meeting almost undid her. Twice he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. His hand clasped hers whenever Mrs. Morales looked their way and he attended to her every need before she even knew she needed anything. They were only a couple hours into this mess and she was already wishing that everything he did was because he really wanted her. It was her mind that needed to keep her heart in line or she would come out of this with a financial gain and a broken soul.

Tags: Nikki Rome Billionaire Romance