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He smiles at that then blows out a deep breath. I can tell he’s gathering his thoughts so I don’t interrupt. Gabe is usually the smooth one, the one who always knows what to say. If he’s not sure where to begin that speaks volumes.

Finally he puts his hands on his hips and looks over at me. “Do you remember that night when we found her? What am I saying, of course you remember. Anyway, that night … I swear I could have killed those guys. She looked like she was about twelve and she was so scared. But she took one look at me and assumed that I was there to help her. Everyone else usually assumed that we were up to no good. And we usually were.”

I can’t help laughing at that. With hindsight, I can understand why a lot of the adults in our community were hesitant about us. We were a couple of badasses, especially during our teen years.

“Josie was the one thing that I could get right. I could protect her, keep her safe and somehow it made me feel like I was atoning for all the wrong I’ve done. I’ve hurt a lot of people but with her…” He glances over at me then shrugs. “With her I had a chance to start over. It was the first time that I’d had someone assume the best. She made me want to live up to that.”

“I get it. I feel that way about her, too. But with her, it’s not just that she makes me want to be better but I actually am better. I would have never thought I was capable of loving like this.”

Gabe grins. “That’s how I feel about Sasha. It’s a powerful thing. Welcome to the ball and chain club.”

We laugh together.

“Don’t let Sasha hear you say that.”

“Naw, I’m not scared of her.” He glances behind him at the open door. “Much.”

Things are back to the way they should be. It feels good to have my brother in my corner again. The tension between us was bothering me more than I wanted to admit. We’ve always been a unit, Gabe and I. Even though things are changing now I never want to lose the bond we have.

“It’s a good thing that you finally invested in a tux, bro. You’ll need it soon anyway,” he says.

“Why is that?”

“I need a best man at my wedding.”


I hit his shoulder. “I’ve got your back. Always.”

chapter fourteen


Zack was quiet on our ride to the gallery which makes me think that he’s just as nervous as I am. Taking photographs of him is something I’ve been doing for years so I’m confident the shots on display are exceptional. Few people have more knowledge of how to shoot Zack Marshall to best advantage than I do. But the story told by my pictures is one that’s not only erotic but wistful and hopeful, too. As well as intensely private.

Once everyone sees what I’ve done with the show, all my feelings for him will be out there exposed to the world. I can only hope I made the right decision.

Because after this exhibit, Zack won’t be the only one laid bare.

When we arrive, Zack kisses me and wishes me luck. I take a moment to collect myself and then walk to Mr. Hartwell’s office. He asked me to come here before the show. I’ll wait in here while the guests arrive and he greets everyone. Then he’ll introduce me. This is entirely different from last time when I was just one artist among many on display. This time it’s just me.

The whole thing makes me feel like they think I’m a way bigger deal than I actually am.

After only five minutes, my stomach is a mass of knots. My mouth feels like sandpaper and I’m on the verge of dry heaving. Not being able to swallow properly only makes the nausea worse. I’m on the verge of running out of there when the door opens. Gabe enters and hands me a bottled water.

“For your stomach.”

I open the bottle and gulp it down gratefully. Then I narrow my eyes at him. “I hate that you know me so well.”

He leans against the desk and looks around the office curiously. “This is a big deal, Josie. I’m proud of you.”

I slam the water bottle down on the desk next to him. “If you’re proud of me then why couldn’t you believe that I’m smart enough to pick the person I want to spend my life with?”

He runs a hand through his hair, sending the dark strands into disarray. Funny how I never noticed that both he and Zack do that when they’re annoyed.

“When I found out that you were hiring a model, all I could see was all the ways it could go wrong. I was really afraid for you and that’s why I sent Zack to stop it. So to find out that he didn’t stop it but just inserted himself into the process, well, I jumped to a lot of conclusions and made a lot of judgments I shouldn’t have. I’m not proud of that.”

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance