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Zack doesn’t leave until after we finish cooking breakfast. I wish he didn’t have to ever leave but there are vital things he needs from home. Clothes, his insulin and his keys to the shop. He’s planning to pack a bag so he can stay here for a few days at least. Not that Gabe would kick his own brother out in the street but he figures it’s a good idea to give them both some time to cool off so they don’t say things they can’t take back.

I think that’s a good idea.

Jamie comes down right before lunch. His hair is sticking up in the front and he looks hungover.

“What was all that racket this morning?” he asks.

“Ugh. Long story.”

He eyes me as I pour myself another cup of coffee and then collapse at the kitchen table. I rest my head on my arm. It’s not even noon and I’m exhausted. It feels like I’ve lived a month’s worth of drama in one morning.

“Did I hear Gabe’s voice this morning or did I dream that?”

“You heard him but it was more like a nightmare. He came over unexpectedly and then cussed Zack out because he found out about our secret relationship.”

Jamie gapes. “Wait, it was a secret? So was Gabe jealous or something? I know you guys used to be pretty hot and heavy back in the day, right?”

I sigh. “No, we weren’t. That’s part of that long story I mentioned.”

Jamie tilts his head, seeming to make a decision. He gestures for me to get up.

“Let’s take a walk. I need to get some fresh air and you can tell me this long, fascinating story.”

“It’s cold outside,” I grumble but get up and follow him to the front door.

“You’ve got enough hot air saved up to keep us warm. Come on.”

He waits while I put on my shoes and slip into a thick down jacket. He puts on his own coat and then winds one of Isabelle’s scarves around his neck. I follow him out and down the drive. It’s a nice day, cold but crisp, and the sharp air clears my head instantly. Our neighbor across the street, a widower Izzie has known since she was a toddler, waves at us from his seat by his living room window. We both wave back.

“Nice neighborhood,” Jamie observes. “Izzie really likes it here.”

I’m glad to hear that he and Izzie have been getting along better. My brother can be stuffy and rigid in his ways sometimes but he’s a really good listener. I decide to tell him that.

“I’m glad you’re back for a while. I miss having you around as a sounding board.”

“I’m glad I’m back, too. Things were different in New York. I changed and not into a person that I was proud of.”

“You’re making changes that you can be proud of now. That’s what counts.”

He smiles at me and bumps my arm affectionately. “Enough stalling. Tell me what’s really going on with this sordid, brother against brother love triangle you’ve got going on.”

I snort. “It’s not a love triangle at all. Gabe and I were always just friends despite the fact that everyone else wanted us to be together.”

“Wow, I never even knew that.”

“You weren’t the only one. Zack believed it, too. All I wanted for years was for him to notice me and now that he finally does, Gabe assumes that he’s taking advantage of me or something.”

Jamie doesn’t say anything but seems to be mulling it all over. I want him to say something, tell me that I’m right to be so angry.

“I just can’t believe that Gabe is being such a douchenozzle about this!” I continue.

He snorts out a laugh. “A douchenozzle?”

“Yes,” I laugh, too. “He should be ashamed for even thinking that Zack would hurt me. I hate feeling like I’m caught between them. Because if it comes down to a choice, I’ll choose Zack.”

Jamie looks over at me in surprise. “This thing with Zack, it’s really that serious?”

“Yeah. I’ve been in love with him forever. If it hasn’t worn off yet then I don’t think it’s going to.”

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance