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I just want her to be happy.

We haven’t been sitting for more than a minute when a shadow falls over my shoulder and I look up.

Perry is standing right behind us.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow. I wanted to make sure I got a chance to say Happy Anniversary before I left.” He rounds the table to greet them. They both react like he’s some kind of long-lost relative just returning home.

Oh for fucks sake.

Mrs. Harlow stands¸ her arms outstretched. “How sweet! Thank you, Perry. You’re always so thoughtful!”

It’s hard not to contrast her reaction to when I said the same thing earlier.

Then I hear, “Oh no. He’s not her boyfriend! Josie has been running around with them since she was a kid. They’re practically siblings! You know that.”

I clench my jaw so hard I’m surprised I don’t break a tooth. Josie stiffens beside me so I know she’s heard it, too. She pushes her chair back and clutches her jeweled bag to her chest.

“We’re going to leave. I’ll see you guys at home.” She hugs Isabelle and then leans over to say something to her brother.

Perry shakes hands with Josie’s father. I can’t hear what they’re talking about from across the table but Jo has mentioned before that her parents only wanted her with Perry since their families have done business together.

“Of course you’ve been busy! Didn’t you just win a major bid last week? It was all over the business news.”

Josie’s mother is practically simpering now and I can just hear her mentally tabulating how many millions Josie’s missing out on by not snagging Perry while she could. If she only knew that my bank account is easily as big as any of theirs.

A grin breaks out on my face and Perry stutters in the middle of his sentence when he sees the look on my face. Probably wondering why I’m in such a good mood since he’s the one her parents love.

“Y-Yes, we’re working on that new development in Norfolk,” he continues.

“Oh yes, one of our clients is involved. The zoning was a nightmare. Actually,” Mr. Harlow glances across the table at me. “One of the investors is a Marshall. Finnigan Marshall, I believe. Any relation?” At his loud bellow the table quiets.

Perry scoffs. “I’m sure it’s not. That’s a pretty common last name.”

Josie’s hand lands on my arm. I turn my arm over and give her hand a comforting squeeze. “Actually, Finn Marshall is my brother.”

Mr. Harlow’s eyebrows rise slowly and he looks at me with new interest. “I’ve heard great things about that project.”

“It’s been a bit of a bear but he mentioned now that they’ve gotten past the zoning issues and are planning to expand. They’ll be doing a few more luxury condo buildings and a mixed-use development as well. I believe that will be both condos and shops right in the heart of the city.”

“Are you involved as well?”

Everyone at the table is suddenly interested in what I have to say. Even Josie’s watching me with a look I don’t recognize. Pride, maybe?

Perry on the other hand is seething.

I decide I might as well go for broke. I’m not one for bragging but after watching Josie’s parents fawn all over him, I want them to know that I can take way better care of her than this puffed up blowhard.

“No, sir. My brother has asked me to invest but I have another cause in mind. When children in West Haven have diabetic complications, they’re usually referred to New Haven’s hospital since we don’t have the resources to deal with them here. I’ve decided to endow a new pediatric wing of our hospital to address the issue.”

Josie’s grandmother speaks up. “That’s a lovely idea. How generous of you.”

“I have diabetes myself so it’s a cause that’s important to me. But honestly, Josie gave me the idea.”

Josie’s grip on my hand tightens. “Me? What did I do?”

“Earlier this evening, Josie knew to order oil and vinegar for me since I can’t have the regular dressing on my salad. She also made sure to find out the meal options for me before dinner was served. It’s difficult to manage this disease without family support.”

I lift her hand to my lips. ”Not everyone is lucky enough to have a Josie.”

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance