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“I thought you’d want to, you know, do it now.”

“Eager little thing, aren’t you?”

“Well… yeah.”

His smile flashes again before he reaches over and takes my hand. The butterflies in my stomach explode all over again at the warm press of his palm against mine.

“I’m eager, too sweetheart but I want it to be right. It should never be something you do on a schedule. When the time is right, it’ll just happen. We’re not going to rush it.”

“So, you’re not coming in?”

He shakes his head. Even though I’m disappointed there’s an equal part of me that’s relieved also. When we were kissing on the floor the other day, I was too into it to be nervous. Everything was all warmth and sensation and there was no room in there for nerves. But just doing it out of the blue is really intimidating. Trust Zack to know that I’d feel that way. He always seems to know what I’m feeling. Although he’s usually using those insights to annoy me.

“I’m not going to make love to you, yet. But I am going to kiss you.”

He leans over halfway and waits for me to make the next move. I lean into him and when our lips meet, it warms me down to my toes. He doesn’t try to turn it into anything else either, no tongue or hands involved. Just a sweet kiss that makes me feel completely cherished.

Until in a moment of bravery, I pull his lip between my teeth.

He moans into my mouth and just that quickly, the kiss turns hot and wet. His tongue slides against mine and I suck on it gently.

Zack pulls back, his heavy breathing loud in the quiet car.

“Go in the house, Josie. Before I change my mind about being a gentleman.”

“I don’t want you to be a gentleman.”

“Go,” he growls.

I can feel his eyes on me until I enter the house and shut the door behind me. By the time I slide into bed later that night, I swear I can still feel his lips on mine.

Two days go by before we have time to meet again. Zack asks me to come to the shop. I have no idea what to expect. Guys usually have a different idea of taking things slow so I’m not sure what he’s planning for later. Just in case, I take extra time conditioning my hair and shave my legs so they are perfectly smooth.

When I get to my bikini line I have another minor freak out. Izzie’s always talking about getting waxed but I’m too scared to do that. Is that what guys expect now? For it to be completely bare down there?

“This is way too much stress,” I mumble before deciding to just do my usual routine, cleaning up the stray hairs. I like things tidy but have never felt the need to take it all off before. I hope Zack is cool with the natural look.

As I dry my hair I think about our conversation last night. He called me right before bed and we stayed on the phone for an hour just chatting about random things. He didn’t bring up our deal and neither did I but I’m sure it’s not far from his thoughts.

Talking to him is different now. He’s not being as raunchy as usual and he seems to be making an effort to ask about what’s going on in my life. Usually he’s teasing me or we’re bickering about something but now, well, I think we’re flirting.

I like it.

When I get to the shop, I pull around the back and park next to Zack’s car. He drives this souped up electric blue Dodge Challenger that’s as loud and in-your-face as he is. His leather jacket is visible on the passenger seat. I wonder if he’s going to take me for a ride. He knows I love riding with him just because I love this car.

The back door requires a key so I walk around the front. My stomach is fluttering again. As many times as I’ve visited him or Gabe at the shop, this feels completely different. This time I’m here with no idea of what’s going to happen.

This time I’m nervous.

The bell on the front door tinkles overhead when I enter. It seems way louder than usual. Zack is behind the counter and when he sees me, his face softens. He tips his head up acknowledging me before he turns back to his customer.

I have no idea how to act. I’ve always had a slightly antagonistic relationship with Zack. First because he made fun of me relentlessly for following Gabe around all the time. Then later because he made me hot which pissed me off.

Now we’re at this strange detente and it’s like starting over from scratch. After everything that happened when Gabe got injured, our previous state of feuding seems silly and juvenile.

But that doesn't mean I feel comfortable with him doing me favors. Especially not these kind of favors.

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance