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“So I left,” Max confirms. “The family didn’t care that I was leaving children behind. As long as I came back and fulfilled my duty, they wouldn’t concern themselves with some fatherless children halfway around the world. And I saw my opportunity to leave something of myself in the world that wouldn’t be tainted.”

He stops then, tears shining in his eyes. It’s hard to watch. Years of regret and pain are etched in the lines of his face. Finally he collects himself and clears his throat.

“It was selfish but I wanted to spread my seed. I only chose strong women. I knew they could handle things on their own and would give my children all the love I couldn’t. I told myself that I wouldn’t come back. I broke that promise a few times but for the most part I stayed away. It was the best thing I could do for you. I’d already helped raise four killers. I had to do something to balance that out. I needed to bring some good in the world. And I did.”

“So that’s why you never came back.” Finn finally speaks up.

Max nods. “I wanted you to hate me. I still do. Because as long as you hate me then you’ll never end up like me. Each and every one of you is so extraordinary. You’re everything I couldn’t be.”

“So why come back now? Is it because of Blade? Did he threaten you?” Luke demands.

“No, I came back because I wanted to see you before it was too late. I’m old. Control of Le Fírinne' long ago passed to the next generation but they still expected financial support, especially since they consider every dollar I've earned ‘their’ money. When they found out that I was starting to distribute my estate… Well, I knew there would be fallout. I just needed to see you first. Once the money is gone, it's out of their reach forever. I can't undo my past but I can give you all the chance to do something better."

Silence descends. I glance around at my brothers. None of us seems to have any idea what to do with this new information. Then as usual, Luke sums it all up.

“So, basically you stole from the Irish Mafia?” Luke whistles.

"Fantastic." Tank drops his head back against the wall.

Max stands shakily. “My time is almost up and it’s time to pay the piper. But before I’m gone I can set a few things right.”

He goes pale and Carole rushes forward to help him back into his wheelchair. He pats her cheek affectionately. “Lads, it's time for me to be off.”

He allows her to arrange a blanket over his lap and the two men who always travel with them appear in the doorway. They must have been in the kitchen this entire time.

Tank follows them out. When he returns he crosses his arms and looks at each one of us in turn.

"Okay, what the hell are we going to do?"

chapter sixteen


I will forever be grateful that Eli was with me when my entire world fell apart. Gabe walked away without looking back once and it took me more than a minute to process that he wasn't going to turn around and come back.

When he disappears from sight, an anguished sound, one I didn't even know my vocal cords could produce, emerges from my throat. It’s a mournful sound like a wounded animal. Eli holds me up and lets me cry on his shoulder until I’m drained and weak.

Afterward, Eli deposits me on the couch while he packs a bag. And I don’t argue. All I want is to curl up and sleep and there’s no way I can sleep here after what happened. I make sure he brings my laptop and enough clothes to last for a week.

Luckily I know without even asking that Kay and Eli won’t mind if I stay with them for a while. My living room looks like it’s been through a food processor. Until I can order new furniture, there's no point in going back to my place.

I’m in a state of shock the entire drive to Eli’s house. Even though it’s the middle of the night, Kay must have been watching from the window because as soon as we pull into the driveway, she comes out of the house. Just the sight of her unravels the tenuous thread around my emotions. I lose it all over again. Kaylee is a born nurturer so she holds me and rocks me back and forth while I bawl like a baby. She takes me straight upstairs and I crawl in bed and cry myself to sleep.

When I wake up again early morning light fills the room. To my surprise Kay is on the other side of the bed. That makes me feel both grateful and pathetic.

”Kay, you didn't have to stay with me. I'm sure Eli wasn't happy sleeping alone."

"Eli is a big boy. He'll be just fine. You on the other hand, are not. I heard you crying in your sleep. I’m so sorry this happened to you."

Tears start anew at the thought. I’m not just crying because someone violated my home but because all I really want is Gabe. I let my guard down and trusted someone for the first time in a long time. But he’s not at all the person I thought he was. All I can do is mourn the loss of the love I thought was real.

Kay looks stricken as I wipe my cheeks.

"Oh sweetie. That day when we came to tell you about Gabe, you seemed like you knew everything.“

I smile through my tears. “I thought I did. But I just thought he stole cars. I didn’t know he was like the man who scammed my father. People like that steal so much more than money. They steal your dreams. And your ability to ever trust anyone again. He was just playing me the whole time. Like it was a game and he was just amusing himself by seeing how naive I could be.”

She reaches across and grabs my hand. We used to sleep like this when we were little girls and spent the night at each other's houses. I was afraid of the dark for an embarrassingly long time but Kay never made fun of me for needing the nightlight. She was my comfort then.

Tags: M. Malone Blue-Collar Billionaires Romance