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It’s annoying that she already sees me as the weak link. Is that how I come across to my friends? As the desperate girl who can’t get by without her man? Is that how Law sees me? Maybe that’s why he doesn’t think I’m wife material.

Well that just fuels my resolve to do this.

ANYA – I’m not backing out.

Law knows I’m not sick so I don’t bother trying to pretend. Instead I quickly draft an email that says I have to go because one of my neighbors is locked out. I feel a little guilty about cutting out early but I can’t let him cajole me into staying at his place tonight.

If I’m going to break free I have to rip the Bandaid off at some point so it might as well be now.

My coat is in the front closet so I quickly retrieve it and then make sure I have my phone and work badge before I press send on the message.

By the time he reads it, I’ll already be in the parking garage and on my way to a new beginning.



By the time I get to Ariana’s apartment a half an hour later, I’m already frustrated. Parking in this neighborhood is always a beast and I almost got sideswiped by some jerk in an Audi who stole the first space I saw.

I’m ready to ask Ari where she keeps her vodka by the time I huff and puff my way up the stairs to the third floor.

Ari said she’d leave the door unlocked so I don’t bother knocking. However, when I open the door, I immediately step back to be sure I have the right apartment. An elderly woman is at the stove and the air is thick with the smell of something delicious. She doesn’t turn so I’m not sure she even heard me come in.

“Uh, hi? Is Ariana here?”

The older woman glances back briefly and then nods her head toward the hallway. Clearly that’s her way of saying that Ariana will be right out, so I close the front door behind me and sit on the couch. A small black and white dog snoozes in a little bed in the corner.

I’ve been here before but usually there’s a big group of us doing Girls’ Night. It’s not often I’m here during the day. Maybe Ari has an older family member who visits often and I’ve just never been here early enough to meet her. But it still seems odd that Ari didn’t mention someone was here in her texts.

Then again, this is Ariana we’re talking about. Odd is her normal.

A few minutes later Ari appears from the back holding a towel to her wet hair.

“Sorry about that. I’ve been doing some cleaning and really needed a shower.” When she plops on the couch next to me, a shower of water droplets hits my arm.

Weird as it is, seeing her so disheveled actually makes me feel better. Even this supermodel lookalike is human it seems.

“So who is that cooking? Is that your grandma?” Even though the older woman is still in the kitchen I keep my voice low.

“Who? Oh no, that’s Mrs. Abernathy. She lives down the hall. She cooks for me sometimes. I think she’s just lonely.”

Clearly I do a terrible job keeping the shock from my expression because Ariana chuckles.

“What? What was I supposed to do? Kick her out? I’m a bitch but even I’m not completely heartless. We can still talk. I’m pretty sure she can’t hear half of what I’m saying anyway.”

This is an unexpected side of Ariana but it definitely makes it easier to open up. Talking about my dating life with someone I don’t know that well is already kind of weird but it’s a lot easier with someone who has a soft spot for a lonely neighbor.

“Law and I had a fight. Maybe it’s stupid but I really thought that eventually we’d end up at some kind of compromise. After today, I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

Ari hums softly. “It happens to the best of us. You wanted to believe it would work.”

“Yeah. But it’s time I wake up. He doesn’t want the same things that I do. So I need to make a change.”

“What you need is some great sex.”

My neck almost snaps at the conversational pivot.

“Not sure I’m ready for that. Besides, the sex was great with Law. If that’s all I wanted then I would just stay with him.”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance