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And I am not the kind of girl you bring home.

It bums me out though because he’s gorgeous and fun. I take a moment to mourn the night of nakedness we never got to have. But I have to do the right thing and let him go. He believes in good winning over evil and the universe putting people together.

He deserves someone with that same optimism not a girl who believes that life likes to kick us while we’re down.

“Why did you put a fake name? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

He shrugs. “I like cartoons. Is my brother here? My brother should be here soon.”

That’s my cue to leave. Letting him go means meeting the family is definitely not on my to-do list tonight or ever.


“Hmm?” His eyes are still slightly unfocused and there’s a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead.

I’m glad he has someone coming to get him because I would really feel bad about sneaking off if he was all alone.

That’s a feeling I know all too well and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

“Take care of yourself, okay? Be happy and don’t walk in front of any more cabs.”

“No traffic. Got it.”

He looks so lost and rumpled sitting there that it’s hard to resist giving him a final hug. But instead I just pat his shoulder gently.


Jackie looks up when I come back out. My expression must be giving away more than I realized because she stops typing.

“Is everything okay? Mickey isn’t giving you any trouble is he?”

I take a deep breath and then shake my head. “This is kind of embarrassing but that guy is … we went on a date recently and it didn’t end well. I just needed to get out of there.”

She hums in understanding. “Honey, we’ve all been there. Go on and clock out. I’ll take care of him.”

Ten minutes later, I come back from the locker room changed into street clothes. Jackie is talking to a tall, dark-haired man. That must be Vin’s brother, which means he’ll be discharged soon.

I turn and walk the other way.

It was a total fluke that I happened to be on shift when he got hurt but working in the hospital, you see people you know more often than you’d think.

It’s tempting to hang around for one final glimpse of him. The thought that I’ll never see him again hangs over me like a cloud.

But this is the way things have to be.


There’s thunder in my head.

And a lightning bolt in my arm.

Only no one notices my torment. I watch through hazy eyes as they all smile at my brother. Andre peers down at me with concern, his eyes taking in the splint on my wrist before running over my face. Once he’s satisfied I’m in no immediate danger, he spares a smile for the women hovering at his elbow.

“Thank you for calling me, ladies. I was most distressed to hear there was an accident. I’m still not sure why he told you his name was … what was it?”

“Mickey Mouse!” The bubbly redheaded nurse flinches when the older woman going over my chart glares at her.

“Back to work everyone!”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance