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“Yes?” I whisper back.

“I got my dream girl, too.”


Waking up with the one you love is an experience everyone should be privileged to have. I’ve been looking forward to it. Over the years I’ve dated casually and even spent the night with a few of the women. But when morning came it was always an awkward dance to put my clothes back on and get the hell out of there.

With Ariana, I’ve fantasized about holding her close. About burying my nose in her hair, breathing her scent and listening to her heartbeat.

So imagine my surprise when I open my eyes the next morning to an empty bed.

“Ari? Where are you, woman?”

The door opens and in walks a vision with tousled hair and rosy cheeks. She’s wearing nothing but my dress shirt and a smile. Is there anything sexier than a woman wearing your clothes? All my blood is busy going south so it takes me a minute to process what I’m seeing.

And what I’m smelling.

“I made you breakfast.” She sets the tray she’s holding carefully over my lap. Then with a snap of her wrist, unfolds a paper napkin that she rests against my stomach.

“What’s all this?”

She smiles sweetly. “Just a little something I whipped up.”

Whipped up? Ariana has made no secret of her disdain for household tasks. During all the time we’ve spent together the only cooking I’ve seen her do is putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave. Wary now, I peer down at the tray in concern.

“You made this? I thought you didn’t cook?”

Ariana scowls for a second. Then she pastes on another bright smile. “I said I hated cooking. Not that I couldn’t do it. Eat up!”

I take a tentative bite of the eggs and am surprised at the fluffy, creamy texture. The bacon is crisp and the coffee smells fantastic. The tray is beautifully arranged with a full assortment of silverware next to the plate. She’s even placed a single rose to the side.

It’s all so perfect that I’m instantly suspicious.

“Thank you for breakfast.”

Still smiling like a loon, Ariana claps her hands together. “I’m so happy you’re enjoying it. My man needs to keep his strength up!”

I take another bite of eggs while watching her bustle around the room straightening up. Ariana keeps things relatively neat but she’s never cared about whether clothes are in the middle of the floor before. It’s unsettling, watching her flit around like this.

Maybe she’s about to tell me her test results. I didn’t bring it up last night because it’s her news to share. She should be able to tell me when she’s ready. Making breakfast may have been her way of easing into the conversation.

I push the tray to the side and give her my full attention.

“What’s going on, baby? You’re full of energy this morning.”

She pulls a sweatshirt out of the closet and yanks it over her head. “We have a lot to do today. Didn’t I tell you? I really need to go shopping.”

“Shopping?” This is so far from what I expected her to say that I’m experiencing mental whiplash.

“Yes. Shopping. I would love for you to come with me. I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend now. Someone to vote on my outfits and tell me if my ass looks too big in each one!”

My mind is scrambling looking for a way out. That sounds awful and it’s exactly the kind of game that no man can win. If you say a woman looks good in everything they claim you aren’t paying attention. If you say something looks bad, then expect sulking for the rest of the night.

“You need me to go shopping? Isn’t that something you’d rather do by yourself?”

Her expression doesn’t change.

“Of course not, silly! I mean, we’re together now, right?” At my nod, she beams. “This is one of those things that couples do together. I’m so excited to do all the coupley-things!”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance