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I sigh. “I’m just going for a walk. I need to stretch my legs.”

“I’ll come with you.”


He looks a little hurt so I run a hand through my hair. It’s not my brother’s fault that his presence inevitably draws a crowd. But I can’t deal with that today.

“You have a lot to do getting ready for the marketing launch. You don’t need to babysit me. I’m just going to stretch my legs. Maybe find us some snacks. I’m sure there must be a shop or grocery close by.”

He looks dubious at the idea. Probably just the idea of buying your own groceries is what’s throwing him off. We are definitely spoiled by the lifestyle we grew up living.

“Okay, just be careful. Do you have your phone?”

“Yes, Mamma. Don’t worry so. I’m a big boy now.”

He scowls. “I would have thought so but then you walked in front of a taxi.”

“Sorry about that. Especially since I pulled you away from the beautiful Mya.”

“That wasn’t going to happen anyway. But going to the agency for marketing meetings should be interesting going forward.”

“You just had to hit on a woman working on the most important launch of our company’s history?”

He’s already walking away but he gives me the finger over his shoulder. I’m still chuckling by the time I change into a pair of jeans and a cashmere sweater from last year’s line. It fits perfectly and is long enough to cover the bandages on my sprained wrist. I need to get out of here before Andre notices I’m wearing something that’s out of season.

Once I’m out of the hotel, I use my phone to search out the closest grocery. Then I use the navigation to point me toward a place called Trader Joe’s. Whenever we plan to spend extended time in a city, I always investigate the best clubs

and restaurants but I’ve never really thought about things like groceries before. Living out of a hotel means you don’t have to.

But today, I want to feel normal. I need to be around people and noise and life. As I walk, the chatter of the people I pass flows around me. The many different American accents are a fascinating jumble and then there are the occasional foreign accents thrown in. Being the capital, DC always maintains a healthy community of dignitaries and visitors from other countries along with many foreign exchange students. Although I know it’s not Andre’s favorite place, I always love it when we come here.

The entrance to the store is covered in a riot of flowers. The blooms are festive and my mood lifts instantly. Shoppers mill around outside looking at the potted plants and there are even bales of hay strewn around the displays. Before I came to America for the first time I’d imagined meeting cowboys on every corner. The reality wasn’t quite as fun but I can admit to still carrying a bit of fascination for the idea even now.

Following the crowd, I take a little basket just like the woman in front of me. It shouldn’t be that difficult to blend in. I’ll just watch what everyone else does and then follow suit. There are large displays of vegetables set around the open space. It reminds me of the outdoor markets in Europe. The woman I’m following picks up some kind of melon and taps it.

Is that how you’re supposed to choose fruit? I pick up a clump of bananas and tap them before placing them in my basket. This grocery thing isn’t so bad. Next I see a display of large tomatoes. I tap several before choosing one that looks the biggest. A man in the aisle next to me stares as I pick up an orange and tap it.

Am I doing it wrong?

When I turn to observe how everyone else is picking fruits, I bump into the person behind me.

“Sorry, sir. I didn’t see you.”

The sweet voice doesn’t match the devilish face that comes into view when I turn.

“Oh my god. You have got to be kidding me.” Ariana waves the cucumber in her hand at me. “How does this keep happening?”

“I told you already. Fate.”


What is it with this guy? First in the bar, then in the hospital and now I can’t even manhandle phallic-shaped veggies without him hanging over my shoulder.

He calls it fate. But it’s probably more like karma. The universe seems to be having a good laugh shoving the one guy I might actually want in my face at the exact time in my life that I can’t keep him.

That thought reminds me of the appointment I have coming up that I’ve been ignoring. With a sigh, I place the cucumber I’ve been waving around in my basket before moving on to the peppers.

“I hope you’re making something that tastes better than the bland shit I’ve been eating lately.”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance