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Suddenly we’re not in a public place where anyone could walk up on us at any moment. We’re transported back to that hotel room where we were free to touch, taste, tease and tempt each other all night. Where we weren’t client and employee but just two people who didn’t want to be lonely for the night. Who wanted to be seen.

Casey stands on tiptoe and that changes everything. Our bodies are perfectly aligned, her breasts brushing against my chest and her hips the perfect cradle for the hard length I know she can feel pressing against her stomach. It’ll be just as good this time, I can already tell. None of the fire and passion has diminished over the past few months. If anything it’s only gotten stronger.

“Casey, we need to go back inside. We have to at least say goodbye to the others before we leave.”

“Leave?” Her eyes fly open and dart around as if seeing things for the first time. “Oh no, we can’t leave.” She pushes away so quickly I’m startled into letting her go.

“What is the matter, sweetheart?” I watch, bewildered, as Casey adjusts the straps of her dress on her shoulders and runs a hand over her mouth. I reach out to pull her back into my arms but she twists away, shaking her head furiously.

“Why are you really here tonight?” Casey whispers, her voice tortured. “Mya told me that you never come to these parties. That you live in Milan.”

Ah, no wonder she’s been keeping her distance.

“For you. I had to see you again. And I know that you wanted to see me again, too.”

“Of course. You are so arrogant! I bet you just can’t imagine any woman not wanting to ride your roller coaster for a second time, huh?”

I don’t bother to suppress a dirty smile. “If I recall correctly, it was three times before we fell asleep and then you woke me with your lips all over–”

Her hands flies up to cover my mouth. “Okay, I don’t need an instant replay.”

“You do. And so do I. Can you really pretend that night meant nothing to you? That you want to go on with your life without experiencing it again?”

I can see the turmoil playing out all over her face. She wants this but she’s scared. And I wish I could calm those fears but I just don’t know how.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I want,” Casey finally says, taking a step back and putting her hand up to stop me from coming closer. “And since I’m sure you’ll be back in Milan by tomorrow anyway, it’s for the best. Good night, Andre.”

A few months ago, I would have pushed for more, tried to explain that chemistry like ours cannot be denied. But I’ve learned you have to fight fire with a flame thrower and that timing is everything.

“Good night, Casey.”

She races to the steps and clatters down so quickly I’m worried she might fall. She looks back only once, her eyes huge. Something like regret flashes across her face before she turns and continues down to the first floor.

“What the hell just happened?” I rake my hands through my hair. Up until a few minutes ago, she was right there with me. I can still taste her and feel her soft curves torturing me. But considering I just mauled her in a semipublic place where any of her coworkers could have walked by, I’m lucky she didn’t slap me.

I deserve it.

I let out a long, slow breath. I pushed her too hard and scared her off. I just keep getting it wrong.

Footsteps clang on the staircase behind me and I whip around, hoping maybe Casey came back. Milo Hamilton stands there smirking.

He glances down at my obviously aroused state. “Things not going so well?”

“Apparently not.” His knowing laugh follows me as I push past and walk down the stairs to the main level.

She thinks this is the end of it and that we’ve cleared the air. She’s expecting to show up to work on Monday and have her life continue exactly as it did before, our little tryst a thing of the past.

It’s almost enough to make me feel guilty for what I’m planning.



* * *

I struggle up the steps to my apartment building, my heels getting caught in the grooves of the concrete staircase. After my mad dash from the balcony I ran directly into Anya, who took one look at my wild eyes, tousled hair and swollen lips and offered to drive me home. Anya was tactful enough not to ask me what I’d been doing. I can only hope no one else noticed my hasty departure.

Or saw me getting up close and very personal with a client.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance