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Andre finally appears in the center of the crowd and comes to stand next to us. His eyes never leave mine but his words are for Milo.

“This doesn’t seem fair, Mr. Hamilton. You can’t keep all the beautiful women to yourself.”

Milo throws his head back and laughs. He’s such a handsome man with his wavy brown hair and blue eyes. But his laugh doesn’t make my heart race. His touch doesn’t make me lose my breath. Only one man has that effect on me and he’s standing to my side, observing us with a mixture of suspicion and hostility.

“All I’m going to say, Mr. Lavin, is now we’re even.” Milo seems to enjoy Andre’s discomfort.

I glance between the two men. “Even? What does that mean?”

Andre growls something in Italian which causes Milo to grin even harder. I cross my arms as the two continue to stare at each other.

“Hello? Will someone please tell me what’s going on here?”

Milo shakes his head. “I’ll leave that for Mr. Lavin to explain. I’m getting out of the line of fire.” He turns and joins a group nearby.

I turn back to see Andre watching me with an intense gaze.

“Mr. Hamilton is just paying me back for a little misunderstanding that occurred while he was wooing Ms. Taylor. I’m starting to understand his position.”

“Oh, you were dating Mya?” I can only hope the tremor in my voice isn’t as obvious to him as it is to me.

“No. He just thought I was. That was bad enough, believe me.” His eyes fix on my face. “So it’ll just be the two of us. Disappointed?”

I place a hand self-consciously over my exposed cleavage. The movement draws his attention there and I watch as his pupils widen before he rips his gaze back to my face.

“Of course not. I’m always happy to talk to you, Mr. Lavin.”

He grimaces. “Don’t call me that. Please.” The last word is less of a command and more of a plea. “Call me Andre. We’re not in the office. There’s no need to be formal.”

I can only stare at him for a long moment. He’s behaving so strangely. I have a hard time believing it really matters to him one way or the other what I call him. Especially since he didn’t seem too concerned with that when we met. I let out a soft huff. I was calling him by the wrong name all night and he didn’t say anything.

“Okay. Andre.” Just saying his name brings a rush of heat to my cheeks. My heartbeat stutters and then begins to beat double time. “Why didn’t you care this much about what I called you when we met. I was calling you Andrew all night.”

“I didn’t realize until it was too late. It was so loud in there and it sounds so close. I guess it doesn’t matter.”

But I want to tell him that it did matter. That everything we talked about that night has stayed with me. That for the past two months, I’ve wondered about the hot guy who sold men’s clothes and whether he ever got the chance to do something more. Something noble.

Too bad it was all a lie.

He has all the power now. With one word to Mya or James, he can have me not only removed from the account but probably fired. According to everything I’ve heard, he’s not a client they

can afford to piss off. So I’ll stand here and make polite conversation.

But I’ll never again trust a word he says.


* * *

There are times when I question my belief in a higher power. Too many bad people prosper while good ones suffer. But tonight, I found my belief in the principle of karma reaffirmed.

Because watching Milo Hamilton dance with Casey felt like it could only be a karmic punishment.

I glance over at her. Now that I’ve gotten her to myself, I should feel better but somehow having her alone still doesn’t calm this irrational jealousy I feel. Maybe because I‘m still seeing Milo’s hands all over her bare back. Where the hell did she get that dress? Clumsy Girl wears jeans and T-shirts not satin that hugs every curve and displays an alarming amount of glowing skin.

Or is that sweat? Is she sweating because it’s hot in here or because she liked dancing with Milo? Just the thought makes me crazy.

Luckily someone stops by to say hello, saving me from asking her about her dress, her sweat, or anything else that might earn me a glass of champagne to the face. The man shaking my hand vigorously is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company but I can’t remember his name. My mind is a complete blank.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance