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“What? She’s a man eater and evil to the core but she’s honest. She’ll at least warn you before she turns your testicles into her earrings.”

He winces at that. “Well, anyway. The flowers probably mean he’s trying to get her back.”

I have to concede to his wisdom since I have no experience with trying to get a woman to stay. Usually I’m trying to convince them to leave without making a scene.

“Right. Thank you, Wallace. You’ve been very helpful. Send me another idea for the Luxiva and I promise I’ll take a look at it.”

He pumps his fist in the air once and then coughs, visibly reigning in his excitement. “Yes, sir. I’ll start on it now.” He leaves with a visible spring in his step.

I barely notice because my eyes are glued to the exploding bouquet of flowers that is visible on Mya’s desk down the hall. At this angle, I can’t see what she’s doing but that damn bouquet is practically taking over the room. For some reason I can’t stop thinking about the rumor Wallace mentioned. Who the fuck would cheat on a woman like Mya?

I think of some of the scathing comments she’s made over the past year but in fairness, I have to admit that I’m the only one who seems to provoke this evil side of her. Everyone else describes her as smart, focused and fair. She’s the type who’d work a long day but then take one of the interns out for drinks to celebrate their birthday. Not the type to cheat on a guy and break his heart. Which leads me back to the first theory that her boyfriend was the cheater.

And now he’s sending her bouquets so big they need their own zip code. I glare at the flowers one more time before closing my office door.

If Mya is distracted by her boyfriend woes that will make it easier for me to win this account. And I do love to win.

That’s the only reason I care.



Usually I have time to get a cup of coffee and check my emails before I get started for the day but as soon as I arrive the next morning, Anya tells me an emergency meeting is taking place in the conference room first thing. Immediately, I’m worried. Did something happen with one of my accounts? But when I get to the conference room, I notice that Kevin Barnett, team lead for the technology division is there too along with several others.

That makes me feel a little bit better.

I take a seat at the conference table next to Cole Fitzgerald, the company’s public relations executive. “If you’re here, the shit must have hit the fan with one of our accounts. What is it this time, sexual harassment or corporate malpractice?”

Cole shrugs looking bewildered. “Honestly I have no idea what’s going on. I didn’t call this meeting. This is coming from the big boss himself.”

I look around the table trying not to be obvious. Kevin is across from me reading something on his phone. At the end of the table the firm’s lawyer, Ethan Westbrooke, is reading a thick document and every few moments stops to write furiously in the margins of the paper. Ethan is outside counsel so James must have called him in.

“Whatever it is must be a big deal if we’ve all been summoned.” I note with satisfaction that Milo wasn’t invited. I hope it’s a new account. Since Milo has the highest number of clients it would make sense for James to assign it to either Kevin or me.

Then the door opens and Milo saunters in. When he notices me, a smile tugs at his lips and he takes the seat right across the table.

“Great,” I mutter softly.

Cole glances over. “What’s wrong?” he asks softly before taking a sip from the small paper cup of coffee on the table in front of him.

“How long do you get in jail for murder?”

He chokes slightly and puts his coffee cup down. “A long time. A very long time.”

“What if it looks like an accident?”

His lips twitch. “Not sure who has done something to warrant an accidental homicide but maybe I don’t want to know. However in my official capacity as head of public relations, I would have to advise against it.”

“What if the guy is an asshole and no one would miss him anyway?”

“Well, why didn’t you say so? That’s a totally different story, of course.”

Just then James enters the room and we all snap to attention. His hair has been almost white the entire time I’ve known him despite the fact that he’s not even forty years old. He has a sexy Anderson Cooper kind of vibe going on but our boss is definitely high strung. Now is no exception because his eyes shine with a maniacal glee as he plunks down the folders on the table before he sits.

“Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for the late notice on this meeting but I have a major announcement to make.” He pauses and everyone glances around at each other. It’s not like James to grandstand or make a big production so everyone knows it must be a big deal. “We’ve been asked to pitch to Lavin Fashions next week.”

At his words Kevin drops his phone on the table. Milo sits up a little straighter. I glance over at Cole and he looks stunned as well. Even he knows the significance of this.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance