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I can feel my cheeks heating. “Definitely. That man is a beast in bed.”

Ari holds her margarita aloft like a trophy. “Yes! I knew it. My girl finally got it right.”

Her words settle over me and I roll them around my brain. Did I get it right? Ari is always saying I need to stop overthinking everything and just have some fun. That’s never been easy for me. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always liked to have things planned out and organized. A list of goals for every area of my life. But I had a checklist that included finding the perfect guy and getting married and look how that turned out.

According to all my lists and rules, Milo is the last person that I should spend time with. He’s impulsive and reckless. Allergic to commitment and just out for a good time. But you know what? I never had as much fun with “perfect” William as I did with Milo. Not just the great sex but everything. Even just talking to him was more fun than I’ve had in a long time.

Which scares the hell out of me.

“You know what? You’re absolutely right,” I announce, pushing my now empty margarita glass down the bar.

Ariana pauses with her straw halfway to her mouth. “I am?”

“Yes. I do need to get out there and have some fun. I definitely need to stop worrying about what the men in my life want and start thinking about what I want.”

That includes Milo. What the hell does he think he’s doing kissing me and telling me to come to his place after work? He’s a pro at this casual sex thing and leaving emotion out of it is probably second nature for him. Well, it’s not that easy for me. I have to take care of my own needs from now on. And getting attached to Milo in any way is not a smart move. If William had the power to hurt me, someone like Milo would crush my heart into a million pieces.

“So what are you going to do?” Ari asks finally.

“I’m going to have some fun. And another margarita.” I raise my finger signaling the bartender for another drink.


I’m at home in the middle of changing clothes when my phone lights up with a text from Mya. All afternoon, I’ve been waiting to get a text or email that she’s changed her mind and isn’t coming over. It’s expected. This is new territory for both of us and Mya looked pretty freaked out earlier today.

But when I open the text, I have to read it three times before it makes sense.

Mya: Thanks for this weekend Happy Hour Hottie.

A startled laugh escapes. Maybe I misread her mood earlier. She doesn’t sound pissed off at all. And she’s calling me a hottie.

Mya: Mya’s having fun. But can’t get her off the bar. She’s had about fvh% margaritas 2 many.

My brow furrows as I scan the message again. Did she mean to send this text to someone else? But no, why would she send someone a text about herself having too many margaritas? Then another text comes in.

Mya: Oops, this is Mya’s roommate. I’ve had a few myself.

Ah, now it’s starting to make sense. But my relief disappears when I realize what it means for Mya’s roommate to have her phone.

Milo: Why is she on the bar?

Mya: Dancing! There’s a lot of guys here and

The message just stops. I’m staring at it for a few seconds before I realize no more is coming. Shit. Her roommate probably isn’t in any better shape than she is judging from these messages. It’s none of your business, I remind myself. Mya clearly didn’t want to see me tonight, otherwise she would have come over instead of going out drinking. Then I imagine Mya drunk and vulnerable in a bar full of guys.

Fuck. I grab a sweatshirt from my closet and pull it on.

Milo: Tell me where you are?

Five minutes later I have the address. The entire way there, I tell myself that I’m not being creepy by checking up on Mya. Clearly she meant to blow me off tonight and just not come over or call but that doesn’t mean I want her to be in an unsafe situation. I’ve never seen her drink a lot at the office happy hours so something tells me this is not her usual behavior. And I definitely don’t want her or her roommate walking alone if they’re intoxicated. The tapas bar is in Foggy Bottom, not far from George Washington University Hospital. It’s a nice area with a lot of new development but you really can’t be too careful in the city.

It’s almost a miracle that I find parking. But when I see a meter open up a few yards down the road, I swing around the car in front of me and grab the spot, ignoring the blare of horns. The bar is just a block away and I hear the music before I get there. When I open the door, I scan the crowd looking for Mya. But before I get too far, someone grabs my arm.

A stunning woman wearing nurse’s scrubs leans way too close. “There you are. Happy Hour Hottie!”

This must be the roommate. She called me that in her text message, too. I have a feeling there’s a story there and I’m going to enjoy tormenting Mya until she admits who came up with that name.

“In the flesh. And you are?”

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance