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“You didn’t have to do that. You opened it for me when I got in.”

“And I’ll open it for you when we come back out, too.”

“There’s no rule that says you have to open it all the time,” Katie teased. She clutched her bag against her chest, trying to act like she was used to handsome men attending her like she was a princess.

“Well, somebody might want to tell my father that because he’d knock me upside the head if he found out that I didn’t know how to treat a lady.”

Katie smiled all through being seated at a quiet table, all the way through the perky waitress reciting the day’s specials and into their appetizer. They were halfway through chicken nachos that were making Katie wish she’d ordered several plates, chatting about random things before Bennett looked at her suddenly.

“How am I doing so far?”

“Great. I’m having so much fun.”

His shoulders lowered. “Oh good. It just occurred to me that I was having a good time. Usually when that happens it means I’ve gone off on some tangent talking about something that bores everyone around me.”

Katie thought back to all the things they’d talked about. He’d told her a few random facts about where most restaurants sourced their jalapenos from but that could hardly be considered a tangent, right? They were in fact eating jalapenos, so that was actually relevant.

“You’re not boring. Besides, what’s wrong with being passionate about things? I think you’ve been too hard on yourself. You just have a lot of interests.”

Bennett took another bite of nachos and then fixed her with an intense look. “I want to ask you something but I’m pretty sure I’m going to do it wrong. And I really don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

Katie winked at him. “Go ahead. I promise not to take offense. Even if it’s pretty bad.”

He looked down at the plate between them, dragging a chip through the cheese and salsa left on the plate. “It’s about your ex-husband.”

“Oh. I think I already know what you want to ask. Why did I stay with him so long?”

“Yeah. It doesn't sound like he was worthy of you.”

“That’s nice of you to say. Hmm, that’s a difficult question though. I honestly don’t know why I stayed as long as I did.”

Bennett peered at her worriedly. “Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“No, it’s okay. We’re friends, right? Friends talk about real things. I’ve definitely vented for hours about this to Ridley.”

Katie sighed. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to tell him about her marriage. It was natural that he’d be curious. It just wasn’t so easy to admit to someone who was hyper focused and accomplished like Bennett that she’d floated through life for years without much ambition or direction of her own.

“When I was in school, I was just an average student. I didn’t excel in any one subject so most of my teachers didn’t pay too much attention to me. No one really encouraged me to go on to higher education. My sister and brother were the smart ones. I was the nice girl. I had lots of friends.”

“I bet you did. You attract people like a flower attracts bees. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were releasing some kind of special pheromone.”

Katie laughed. “Like a secret weapon to snare people into my web. I like that. Anyway, after high school I was working in a clothing boutique and Don came in. He was on vacation with some friends. He was really flirty and complimentary at first. It felt good to get so much attention from a handsome, sophisticated American guy. My mom really liked him. She couldn’t believe that I caught a doctor.”

Bennett made a face. “Caught? It’s too bad you didn’t throw him back.”

She smiled at that. “I’m glad I didn’t. He’s the real loser here. I have amazing kids, the best friends and neighbors you can ask for and now I have a great, new job where I’m learning tons. I’m happy to be exactly where I am.”

Bennett picked up another chip. “I’m glad you’re here, too.”



Bennett took a sip of his water, watching Katie surreptitiously from behind the glass. They’d had a great conversation so far, after his stupid question about her ex. But her answer had made him feel better. She didn’t seem to be carrying a torch for the guy which was good and she hadn’t seemed like spending time with him was a hardship.

Now he just had to remember all the advice that Nick had given him. Bennett cut into his steak and tried to think of something he could say that would show her more of who he was. If he was supposed to show her that he was more than just a scientist, he was going to have to do better than small talk about their families and the restaurant.

“I can hear the gears moving in your mind.” Katie smiled gently.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance