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Ri wrinkled her nose. “I know but I just think he seems lonely. He needs someone to draw him out of his shell a bit. Katie is perfect for that. She can handle any social situation and loves parties. All the stuff he hates, she can deal with.”

“This has a really high probability of blowing up in your face. And I’m reserving the right to say I told you so.”

Ridley grinned suddenly. “I accept the challenge.”

Jackson pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead. For just a moment, they remained like that, breathing the same air. Then he felt her hand trail down his bare chest and settle at the waistband of his sweatpants. He normally didn’t wear anything to bed but lately he’d been wearing sweatpants or shorts.

“Do you want to stay up for a bit? I’m pretty sure the kids are already asleep so we don’t even have to be that quiet.” She bit him gently on the throat and Jackson stiffened, all the blood in his body seeming to land in the same place, the erection currently trying to work its way through layers of cotton to get at her.

As his blood raged and his hormones surged, he bit his lip and willed his body to listen to a higher power for once. It took a few moments but once he was more in control, he pulled back slightly and then clicked his lamp off, leaving them shrouded in darkness.

“Actually I’m kind of tired. Let’s just go to sleep.”

He could feel the shock emanating from her; it coated his skin like a film. Seconds later, her hands left his body and he heard the rustle of the sheets and blankets moving around as she got comfortable. In his mind he could picture her curled up with her hands tucked under her, her spine curved forward like she was protecting herself from a blow.

Which was what he’d just given her, right? It might not have been physical but he could tell that the rejection had hit her harder than any fist ever could. Even knowing that … he couldn’t.

“Okay. I’m tired, too. Good night.”

He registered the gentle kiss against his cheek before she turned over to face the wall.



Monday morning, Katie went through the usual steps of getting her kids dressed, fed and on the school bus with an extra pep in her step. As soon as the bus pulled off, she jogged back to the house and raced up the stairs. After a quick shower, she stood in her closet surveying her choices with a critical eye.

Intellectually she knew that what she wore probably would

n't make that much of a difference. Bennett didn't seem like the kind of guy who would even notice that sort of thing. However, it was the first time in quite a while that she'd been excited about something. She was going to dress to fit her mood and to make herself happy.

By the time she left an hour later, she was dressed in a fitted blue pin-striped skirt and cream blouse, her neck adorned with a single strand of pearls. She’d kept her makeup simple and her shoes had only a low heel but the outfit made her feel professional and in control. It was only through her friend’s dogged persistence that she even had this chance, so she definitely wasn’t going to screw it up. She needed all the mojo she could get.

As she drove carefully through the quiet suburban streets, Katie gave herself a pep talk. Maybe she didn’t have that many skills but she was a hard worker and took pride in that. There were other people with more experience, sure, but she was going to bring a fresh perspective and an enthusiastic spirit. Hopefully that would be enough to convince Bennett to give her the job.

Over the weekend, she’d gone through her bills one more time and honestly the situation looked worse at second glance. She needed this.

After parking in the long drive, she walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Usually she just walked in but this situation called for a more formal approach. Especially since she wasn’t sure if Bennett had told his parents to expect her for this interview. When he’d said it, it had seemed like he’d been doing it as an afterthought, a concession to make his adored sister-in-law happy. She’d be lucky if he even remembered she was coming today.

“Katie! What are you doing out here on the steps? You know you can just come right in.” Julia held the door wide for her to come inside. Katie stepped past her into the cool interior of the house.

It was strange to see it so quiet. She’d only ever been here when the whole family was around and the entire place was awash with people and noise and life.

“Bennett asked me to come back to interview for the assistant position. Is he here?”

Julia looked shocked but recovered quickly. “That’s wonderful. I’m sure you’d be perfect for the position. But if you’re here for Bennett, you’re in the wrong place. He’s in the converted barn around back. The first one.”

Julia led her through the family room and into the kitchen, then to the back door. They stepped out onto the back deck and Katie shielded her eyes from the bright morning sunlight. Julia gestured across the wide expanse of the yard to the closest red barn.

“Just go right on in. The door should be open. Bennett is an early riser, always has been.”

With that, Julia went back inside, leaving Katie on the porch alone. She descended the steps, noting with satisfaction that the farm was bustling with activity. One of the ranch hands rode by on some sort of small tractor and tipped his hat to her as he passed. She continued across the yard, the heels of her shoes sinking slightly into the soft grass. When she reached the barn, she raised her hand to knock and then dropped it just as quickly. Cursing herself for being a coward, she wiped her suddenly sweaty palms on her skirt.

She’d been around the Alexanders so many times but it had never been a matter of life and death before. If she didn’t get the job she wasn’t sure how she’d pay the mortgage. With a quick shake of her head, she banished the thoughts. Dwelling on her dire financial circumstances wasn’t going to convince Bennett to hire her. If she wanted this job, she was going to have to prove to him that she could handle it. That wasn’t going to happen as long as she stood out here feeling sorry for herself.

Determined not to waste any more time, she knocked once and then opened the door. Her mouth immediately fell open and a part of her wanted to step back outside to make sure she was in the right place.


Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance