Page 11 of Taken By the Pack

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Ichecked my watch, wondering when we were leaving. According to Stark’s official timeline, Renee and I should have already been on the way to the art show. But then Stark didn’t exactly leave space for plan changes and unforeseen circumstances. I was normally much more relaxed, but there was something about this job that had me on edge. Or maybe it was the woman we had been paid to protect. There was something about Renee that was…different. Not a great word to describe her, but the only word I had. I didn’t have the right words to describe Renee. Not yet anyway. I was hoping that the more time I got to spend with her, the easier it would be to find those words.

I grabbed my radio and called Stark to ask him something incredibly important. “Boss, do I have to wear a suit to this thing? You know I don’t feel comfortable in them.”

I was much happier in shorts and t-shirts. Suits just didn’t quite fit my muscles well. I felt too stiff and awkward in them. At some fancy art show, I was pretty sure I would stand out like a sore thumb. The wealthy art people would stare at me like I was an idiot.

“Lucky, you look fine,” Stark snapped back firmly. “You’re there to keep Miss Vaughn safe, remember? This isn’t about you.”

I sighed heavily. I knew he wasn’t going to back down. I wasn’t sure why I even asked the question, but I had to try to make tonight much easier for me in this world where I knew I didn’t fit in the tiniest bit. Especially with my long dark hair and piercings

“Okay, fine,” I said to Stark. “I’ll protect Renee, you know I will. I’ll always put her first. That’s my job.”

I was pretty sure I’d unleashed the beast, and that I was about to get a lecture from Stark about how important this job was, and how important the Vaughn family was, which I didn’t need to hear again. I got it, we all got it. I didn’t need to be reminded right now.

Thankfully, that didn’t happen. Instead, he just reminded me that I needed to stay focused at all times to keep Renee out of harm’s way. I hadn’t yet seen any sign that Renee’s life was in any danger, or a reason why we needed to be with her all the time, but I suppose she was the daughter of a billionaire oil tycoon, and that would always put her in the firing line. Especially with this upcoming wedding. No one wanted to risk that, least of all Vince Vaughn.

I looked up as I heard a click-clacking coming from above me. High heels. This the moment Renee finally came to me so we could head to the art show. She looked absolutely phenomenal. Heart-stoppingly beautiful. Her long blonde hair that was normally coiled up in to a tight bun, now cascaded down her back, catching the light perfectly. She was glamorous tonight; Renee had gone all out. She even had bright red lipstick painted across her lips and her curves on display in a midnight-blue designer dress. It wasn’t low cut or anything like that, it was still very conservative because this was a woman who wouldn’t step out of her boundaries too much. She also still had her pearl necklace draped around her neck. This was like looking at a brand new Renee.

“Wow,” I gasped as she descended down the stairs. “You look stunning. The art show is going to get a real shock tonight.”

Renee blushed brightly, like she wasn’t used to a compliment like this. Sure, she was engaged, about to get married to some guy, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to compliment her. I had always believed that a beautiful woman within range should be complimented.

“You’re just trying to be nice,” she said with a giggle as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “There’s no way I look that good. You’ll see tonight when you see all the other guests.”

“I can’t imagine any of them will be as beautiful as you.” I offered her my arm and she took it. “You are a real sight to behold.”

She blushed even brighter. “Are you flirting with me, Lucky? Aren’t you worried about getting in trouble with your boss? Or my father?”

I shook my head. “Nah, fear doesn’t rule my life. Never has, never will. Besides, what am I supposed to do, ignore how beautiful you are?”

“No one ever calls me beautiful. I don’t quite know how to take it.”

“Not even your fiancé?”

She said nothing, but I understood.

“Well then, I guess I will just have to do his job for him, won’t I?”

Surely, she wouldn’t really end up married to him. If she did, then I at least wanted her to know there were good guys out there in the world. Just to give her that little bit of hope. Maybe I was wrong about him. Maybe Diego Vanderbilt wasn’t the asshole he seemed to be.

I took Renee out to the car that Mr. Vaughn had ordered for us. It was a giant black stretch limo. Not the sort I’d ever been in before, but then I’d never really had a reason to be in a limo. I was a simple guy with simple tastes. I came from a small rural town and grew up on a farm. That might have been where I stayed forever if I hadn’t started shifting when I hit my early twenties. As a wolf, I knew I was destined for bigger things. I didn’t want to just be an animal. I wanted to put my talents to good use, and what better place than the armed forces? I was drawn to be a Navy Seal and I loved every moment of it. I thought I was the luckiest man alive to find RedEye Security once I’d finished my tour of duty, which gave me another chance to put my talents to good use. Stark only hired wolf shifters and ex-military men because he knew we had what it took to keep anyone safe and to put any perpetrators out of their misery. Nothing would happen to Renee while I was with her.

“Have you spent much time at art shows?” Renee asked me as the car started to drive us there.

“I did work as a server at art shows when I was in college. I don’t know if that counts. I think that might be why Stark chose me to watch you tonight.” I leaned back in my seat and examined Renee, trying to work out what she was thinking. Not that she was giving much away. “But you don’t need to worry. I won’t be on your arm all night long or anything like that. I’ll be in the background. I’ll melt in to the crowd. I’m sure you’ll have lots of people wanting to talk to you about whichever piece you have on display tonight.”

“I don’t think anyone will want to talk to me about the piece I’m showing,” she replied with a shrug. “It’s only a small piece. There are some much more important artists than me featured tonight. I’m not well known for my painting.”

“Now that I can hardly believe.” This wasn’t just flattery; I really did mean it. “I love your artwork. I think it’s incredible. I might not have spent a lot of time actually looking at the art when I was working at these galleries, but if I’d seen your paintings, I know for sure I would have stopped to take a look.” Admittedly, I was too busy getting irritated by the rich people who thought they were better than everyone else. But I didn’t want to say that to Renee in case she thought I was talking about her. I didn’t get the impression she felt that way at all.

“I think you’re just flirting with me again.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Is that right?”

I winked and shrugged my shoulders playfully, like I wasn’t about to give anything away. That wasn’t just flirting, I truly meant it, but I really liked the way my flirting seemed to resonate with her. Renee didn’t even try to disguise the fact that she had some kind of tingle racing down her spine when I made these remarks. How could Diego Vanderbilt not flirt with this gorgeous woman? If she was on my arm, I would make her feel good every single day as much as I could. I wouldn’t even need to try to think of compliments for her, they were just so easy. There was so much beautiful about Renee that I could hardly stop looking at her. So much so that I didn’t notice the world passing us by as we drove to the art gallery.

“Oh, looks like we’re here.” Renee sat up a little straighter as the limo began to slow down. “Now I’m really nervous.”

“We can wait until you’ve calmed down a bit,” I reassured her. “But they are going to love you tonight. I can just see it now. You are going to be the star of the show.”

“You think so?”

I nodded encouragingly.

“Thank you, Lucky. That means a lot.”

Tags: Laura Wylde Erotic