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Bethany turns to me, accusation vivid in her voice. “You didn’t use protection last night. You’re probably riddled with all sorts of disgusting diseases. I’m not even on the pill.”

I feel my jaw tighten. “No, I’m not. I’m vigilant about what I do with my body and I take care of myself. I take care of you, too. Do you think I would let any harm come to you?”

Any harm that I don’t inflict on her myself, that is, for her pleasure as well as mine.

“But I could still get pregnant!”

I run my eyes down her curvy body. The thought of Bethany pregnant with my child is an arousing thought. “Yes. You could.”

Her mouth falls open in shock. “This situation is screwy enough without bringing a child into it. I need the morning after pill. Today. Now.”

I watch her carefully. Her face is pale with sleep and her long curls are an untidy riot, but her eyes are blazing. “You’re in no position to make demands.”

“You have a brother to take revenge on. Do you really think having a child is a good idea just now?”

She does have a point, but that doesn’t change our situation. I can’t give her what she’s asking for. “This is a well-stocked yacht, but I’m afraid it doesn’t come with a pharmacy.”

“Take us to shore then, or make a call and chopper the meds out here.”

I suppose I could do that, but I don’t know if I want to. I point at the bathroom door. “Go wash up. Then breakfast. You have three minutes to meet me up on the main deck.

Bethany folds her arms. “And if I refuse?”

I lean close, making my voice dangerously soft. “Then I’ll lock you back up in that stuffy little cabin and come and play with you down there, where no one can hear you scream.”

A little ripple goes down Bethany’s spine, not of fear. Anticipation. “Or maybe I’ll just do that anyway.” I reach for her, but she nips smartly into the bathroom. My laugh follows her as she slams the door.

Up on the main deck, the table has been set for two with linen, bottles of sparkling water, jugs of juice and a bowl of fruit salad. I sit down and wait for my girl, watching the gentle undulation of the sea. It’s a perfect day, clear and sunny, with a cool breeze to take the sting out of the hot sunshine.

A few minutes later Bethany appears. She stares at the table for a moment as if she finds everything about this distasteful.

“Sit,” I tell her, forcing a smile to my lips.

She does as she’s told, but sits cross-legged and slouching in the chair like a rebellious teenager. Bethany’s usually impeccably feminine. I suppose she thinks she’s denying me what I want by acting like this. As if I don’t know how to handle a bratty woman.

I reach for the silver coffee pot and pour out two cups, and then take the lids off dishes of scrambled eggs, bacon, smoked salmon, mushrooms and spinach. Bethany sits there, just looking at the food, so I get to work filling both of our plates.

I’m famished and take a huge bite of bacon and egg. “Eat, princesa. You need it after last night.”

Bethany stares mulishly off to one side.

“I thought you wanted that pill,” I remind her. I haven’t decided if I’ll give it to her yet, but I’m not above blackmail.

She glowers at me for a moment, and then picks up her knife and fork. At first she takes small, reluctant bites, but the food is good and her appetite is sparked, and soon she’s eating with gusto. I offer her cream and sugar for her coffee, and she nods.

“Where are we?” she asks, gazing around at the sun sparkling on the azure sea.

“It’s a secret.”

Bethany makes an impatient noise. As she chews, she contemplates the horizon, and then glances at the sun in the sky, squinting. “It’s warm, so we’ve probably traveled east into the Mediterranean, or south down the west coast of Africa. We’re travelling into the rising sun right now, so I’m going to guess we’re travelling east. Mediterranean?”

I laugh softly, buttering a piece of bread. “Well deduced.”

She eats easily now, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. My eyes slip down over her body and I remember the feel of her legs wrapped tightly around my hips.

She was a virgin. That was unexpected. I wonder who or what she was saving herself for. I choose to believe it was me. Or, if not literally me, then the only man who could make her feel like she did last night. I took Bethany out of revenge, but even before I knew my brother was a despicable, lying bastard, I wanted her. When this is all over, I’ll still want her.

Tags: Brianna Hale Erotic