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“When I find him, I’m going to kill him. He sold me out for pussy.”

“He didn’t sell you out. He tried to help someone you were terrorizing.”

Damir leaps off the bed and grips the headboard either side of my head, leaning in menacingly close. “Don’t let me hear you talk about another man like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you care about him. Especially not Misha. Everyone always loves Misha.” He says his brother’s nickname nastily. Mockingly.

I should shut up, because I’ve already pushed him too far, but I can’t help myself. “Mr. Ravnikar is a good man, and Ciara didn’t do anything to you either. You’re just a sore loser.”

Damir’s eyes flare with cold blue fire. “I’m going to enjoy killing that little bitch most of all.”

He really means it. I can see the desire for blood blazing in his eyes. Damir’s hand slides lovingly around my throat. I turn my face away, afraid to look upon the specter of my own death. I don’t want to die. I’m not going to die. If he wants to play psychopath and kill everyone he’s ever known, he’s not going to get me, too. I’ll be the one who survives.

“And you my princesa.” Damir’s lips graze my cheek, and his hot breath stirs my hair. “I’ve got all sorts of wonderful things in mind for you.”

Chapter Ten


I feel Bethany stiffen at my words. She’s preparing to fight me off, to defend herself from the man who’s coveting her body and her life.

I lean forward and plant a slow kiss on her cheek, letting her feel my warm breath against her neck for a moment. Then I pull away and stand up, enjoying the confusion in her eyes. I want her unprepared, off balance, afraid of me. And horny as fuck.

“You stay tucked up nice and safe in here. Just where I want you.” My eyes run over her pretty little body. I glance at the window, and then back at her. “It will be dark soon. If you manage to get out of this room, be careful. I go a little wild in the dark.”

Her eyes widen in alarm. I laugh and head out, locking the door behind me. Even if she gets out of this room, she won’t be going very far. We’re miles and miles away from the nearest land.

I pass Boris in the corridor. “Gather the men. I want a meeting on the bridge in ten minutes.”

I stride through the yacht, laying out my plans in head. It promises to be an interesting few days.

When everyone’s gathered, I look slowly around at them all. There’s Boris, who’s been my head of security and right-hand man for two years now. He’s a capable ex-Army northerner and he’s the one who’s been sailing this yacht.

Then there’s Andreja, an ex-chef who’s taken over the galley and is as good with a knife as I am, able to carve out eyeballs and joints of meat with equal ease. And finally there’s Domen and Alenko, two biker types who cut their teeth robbing banks. Domen used to be in the Army, and has anchors and mermaid tattoos decorating his forearms.

“You know my primary objective,” I tell them all. “Finding my brother and Ciara Alders. Boris, and I are going to focus on the investigation. The rest of you are to keep an eye on our prisoner, keep the yacht running and go ashore as needed. Only an eye on her,” I say, glaring round at them. “If anyone touches Bethany, she’ll be wearing your balls as fucking earrings.”

I let that rest on the air for a moment.

“Meanwhile, there’s something I need to do in Monto Carlo. An old score I should have settled long ago. It’s going to be dangerous. It’s going to be bloody. I can’t guarantee that we’ll all make it out alive. From Monte Carlo, or from wherever my brother has gone to ground. But we’re doing this, and we’re doing it my way. Is that understood?”

I look around at the men. They stare back at me stoically, and nod. They’re hard as hell and I know I can trust them all.

“What about the girl?” asks Boris.

“What about her?”

“Is she part of the plan?”

“Oh, yes. She’s a key part of both plans, Monte Carlo and finding Mikhail.”

Boris frowns, and I know he’s thinking about the complications of keeping her prisoner and keeping her safe at the same time. “What if she gets hurt?”

No one and nothing on this earth is going to touch Bethany except me. “Let me worry about the girl. You all do your jobs, and nothing can go wrong.”

We’re through the Straits of Gibraltar. I go back up on deck and feel the hot Mediterranean sunshine on my face. It won’t be long until we’re in Monte Carlo. While the streets of this luxury gambling city will be drenched in summer sunshine, our sojourn there is going to be anything but a holiday.

Tags: Brianna Hale Erotic