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“I’m offering.” Leroy shrugged. “If I get the opportunity to shoot your uncle, even better.”

“When you put it like that.” I glanced at Cadence questioningly and she lifted her shoulder and nodded. “I guess we’ll take you up on it.”

Leroy jerked his head, indicating we should go, pointing the shotgun at me warningly. “And there will be no hanky panky in my house.”

“Noted,” I responded, my hand curving around Cadence’s hip as she ducked her head to hide her smile. “Too late to change our mind?” I murmured under my breath and she elbowed me. “Guess so.”

“I can hear you,” Leroy snapped. “I’m old not deaf.” He glared at me. “Remember that if you get any ideas.” Cadence didn’t bother to hide her laughter as Nico flew by screeching, “Hanky panky, spanky spanky.”


“You got company,” Leroy grumbled, stomping past me and I stared after him.

“How? No one knows I’m here,” I pointed out.

“You should know better than that.” Dwayne scratched his chin with this thumb, skirting around me as he added, “I’m here about that favor you owe me.”

“Of course,” I muttered, pushing the door shut as I followed them to the living room where Cadence had just come in, her hair wet from the shower. “Cadence, you remember –”

“Dwayne!” She interrupted, giving him a big smile and he smirked at me. She walked past him to the window. “You brought the car?” It was my turn to smirk as his expression soured.

“No, I’ve got it under lock and key until I can get it restored.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Brings me to the reason I came by though.” He eyed me. “The favor.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t expecting you to call it in so soon,” I answered dryly.

“I’m in a bit of a time crunch,” he retorted. “The race is tomorrow night.”

“Race,” I questioned, growing uneasy.

“Yep. I got a lot riding on it. Need your lady to drive my car.”

I was shaking my head before he finished. “Nope.”

“You’re not going to stand by your word?” I heard the threat in his voice and so did Leroy, who picked up the shotgun he’d propped against the wall.

“I have no problem keeping my word. But Cadence isn’t part of it.” I stepped closer to Dwayne as Cadence watched us. “I don’t trade her for favors and I don’t speak for her.”

“Then you don’t mind if I ask her directly,” he suggested and my lips tightened, but I nodded shortly. He smiled triumphantly and my fingers curled in as I fought the urge to smack the expression off his face.

“You want me to drive a car?” Cadence questioned, eyeing Dwayne cautiously. “Why do I think it’s more than that?”

Dwayne shifted so he faced Cadence, keeping an eye on me. “It’s a big race,” he answered. “A big race,” he repeated, his tone piquing my interest. “I can’t lose.”

“Then why are you talking to me?” Cadence questioned, her expression doubtful. “You’ve seen me drive once. What makes you think I can win a race for you?”

“You’re fearless,” he answered instantly and she chuckled.

“What makes you think that?”

“I saw you in that car. You owned it. My guys can’t compare.” He dipped his head. “I have yet to see anyone who can.”

“I’m flattered.”

“But you’re not convinced,” he remarked and she lifted her shoulder. “Let’s do this. The favor your boyfriend owes me is erased. You do this for me and I’ll owe you.” My eyebrows shot up. He must be desperate for Cadence to drive if he was willing to make favors.

Cadence’s mouth lifted in a half smile. “And who says you have anything I want?”

“Did I mention which car you’ll be driving,” he teased, dangling an irresistible bait. “One 1968 1/2 R-Code 428ci Cobra Jet Mustang.”

Cadence’s forehead wrinkled. “What exactly do you have riding on this bet,” she questioned and Dwayne’s expression closed.

“Not up for discussion,” he answered shortly.

“What if that’s my terms for driving?”

He stood silently, stone-faced, but Cadence didn’t budge. “It’s private,” he finally muttered stiffly.


“Tomorrow night.”


Dwayne hesitated, his eyes flickering to me quickly before going back to Cadence. “It’s a private track.”

“No,” I barked. “She won’t do it.”

Cadence gave me a look, saying dryly, “I thought you didn’t speak for me?”

“This one time,” I replied and she arched an eyebrow. “I don’t,” I gritted out unwillingly.

“Then hush,” she said, crossing her arms as she turned back to Dwayne. “What do I get if I win?”

“A favor,” he promised. “You never know when you might need a favor from a guy like me.”

Cadence let out a tiny snort. “The favor is for driving. I want to know what I get when I win.”

Dwayne looked surprised, Leroy looked proud, and I sighed.

“The pride of knowing you won,” Dwayne said heartily and Cadence laughed in his face.

“Not exactly,” she corrected him, her eyes taking on a gleam that promised nothing but trouble. “The car.”

Tags: Kristin Coley Romance