Page 6 of Stalk Me Now

I steal one more glance before I make it inside. I don’t know how I am meant to deny myself that. And God, the sight of her is enough to nearly drive me insane – does she have any idea how good she looks right now? That small, supple body of hers grinding against her hand, her head thrown back and her lips parted, just the same way that they had been before, when she was looking at me. I know that she must be feeling everything that she has ever wanted to right now, and I wish more than anything that it was my hand thrust down her panties, massaging that sweet little clit of hers, while she begs me for more, more, more.

I manage to make it inside, and close the door behind me. I need a cold shower. Several cold showers. I am not going to make her uncomfortable while she is living here. I am not going to obsess over her, no matter how tempting it might be to do just that. And I am sure as hell not going to let the sight of one naked woman drive me so crazy. Just because she’s hot, just because she’s close, it doesn’t mean that I have to do anything about it, right?

That’s what I tell myself as I step into the shower, turn it on full blast, and let the freezing-cold water rush over my skin. I don’t have to do anything about it.

Even if all I want right now is to push my tongue between her lips and feel her come all over my cock.



I fish the last of the takeout from the fridge and throw it in the oven to warm it up. God, it’s so tempting to just – to just curl up in bed with a vibrator and forget that there is anything else that I’m meant to be doing here. Am I allowed to? I know that I have been naughty, but damn, it feels so good to let off some steam for a change.

I came inside from my little painting-and-playing session to get something to eat, but I would be lying if I said that it isn’t still on my mind. I can’t remember the last time that I did anything as filthy as that in my life.

But there is something about the older man right next door that makes it hard to think straight. I just like the thought of him watching me so much, the thought of him seeing me in all the ways he wants to. I know from the way that he smiled at me when we first met that there is something like that on his mind, and gosh, it’s so tempting to give in, call him round here and tell him that he can do anything he wants to me.

I eat a little food, but honestly, it’s not the takeout that I’m hungry for. It’s only my second day here, and I am already distracted from my work again. When am I going to get my shit together? I’m trying to stay focused, but instead, I can’t get my mind off the man next door.

And oh, is he a man. I’ve never been with someone that much older than me before, but the thought of it excites me so much – I bet he’s done things that I’ve never even dreamt of, and I love the idea of learning from him, having him teach me all the ways that I could be doing this better.

Maybe I should call him up. No – what if it doesn’t work out and I’m stuck living next door to him for the next few months in total awkwardness? I’m not going to mess up the time I have here but getting obsessed with some guy I have only just laid eyes on.

But I am sure that he was watching me when I was out there touching myself. I could almost feel the intensity of his eyes on me and I liked it – craved it, wished that it had been his hand down my panties instead of mine.

It’s all this freedom from my roommates that’s doing this to me. All this time alone, and suddenly this new version of myself is out to play again. And aimed squarely at the guy living next door. The one who can’t seem to keep his eyes off of me...

As I clean up the food, I hear a noise outside – a rumble of thunder, the pitter-patter of some rain. Shit! I left my painting stuff out there, I need to grab it before it gets ruined.

I hustle my ass outside and grab the easel and the paints. A few heavy drops of rain have already smeared some of the paint I carefully laid down a couple of hours ago, and I grimace as I get it inside. Well, at least this isn’t one of the ones that I care about.

Tags: Frankie Love Billionaire Romance