Page 20 of Matched Twice

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Three Months Later

I let out a heavy sigh and look at the clock again. My fiancés should be home any minute, and I still have no idea how I’m going to tell them.

We’ve been wedding planning since a few days after Marco’s proposal. The date’s set, invitations sent, and I’ve even bought my dress. A $2000 dress that, barring some absolute miracle of tailoring, I will not be able to wear to my wedding.

I glance down at the little plastic stick in my hands again, half-expecting the bright pink plus sign to have disappeared since I last looked at it. But it’s still there, clear as day.

I’m pregnant, and if my calculations are correct, my due date is approximately three days before our wedding.

My first panicked instinct had been to call Josie, to ask her what the hell I should do, but it didn’t feel right to share the news with anyone but my partners first, so instead, I waited.

I’d been suspecting for a few days now that I might be pregnant, despite the fact that I’ve been on the pill since we all moved in together. So I’d bought a test and waited, knowing that the two of them would be out for the morning to go pick up a new desk for Russell’s office.

And now, I was sitting here waiting for them to arrive to have a conversation I have no idea how to have.

We all want kids, that much we’ve agreed on, but at least the last time we talked about it, we all seemed to be in agreement that we weren’t quite there just yet.

We wanted to wait until everything was official, but apparently destiny had other plans in store for us.

I hear the scraping of a key in the front door and my heart leaps. Muffled voices come through the wood, and laughter. I feel a stab of guilt, wondering if they’ll still be in such a jovial mood when I tell them we might have to postpone the wedding.

I hastily tuck the pregnancy test into my pocket as the door swings open and try to put a neutral expression on my face as Russell and Marco walk in. “Hey, you guys get the desk moved over okay?” I ask.

“Yep. No problem for your big, strong studs,” Russell says, flexing for me playfully.

I try to force a smile, but I just can’t seem to pull my lips into position. Marco looks me over and immediately, senses that something’s off. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asks.

And that question is all it takes; I break down in tears, burying my face in my hands. I’m embarrassed by the dramatic reaction, but I can’t seem to help myself. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, baby, shhh, it’s okay,” Marco murmurs, hurrying over to join me on the couch and pull me into his arms.

Russell’s not far behind him, sitting on my other side and sandwiching me in a double bear hug. “What is it, Sof?” he asks, “What’s the matter?”

“I’m sorry,” I choke out, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to alarm you guys, it’s just…”

My voice fails me and I can’t seem to bring the words to my lips, so instead I reach down into my pocket and pull out the pregnancy test, holding it up wordlessly.

Marco takes it from me and looks at it. “Oh.”

“I’m due right around the wedding,” I tell them miserably, “We’ll have to postpone.”

“Says who?” Russell replies.

Both Marco and I turn and look at him like he’s insane. “Because if we go ahead as planned, my water might end up breaking as I’m going down the aisle?”

“That’s not what I meant,” he says, shaking his head, “Maybe instead of pushing it back, we move it up.”

I snort and laugh. “To when?”

“This weekend. Why not? You’ve already got the dress, shouldn’t be too hard for us to get tuxes…we could rent a party hall, gather up our closest loved ones, make it something small and intimate.”

I expect to hate the suggestion, but I realize that I don’t actually care. We could get married in a castle with doves and fireworks or in a White Castle in sweatpants and I honestly wouldn’t give a damn. All I care about is getting to be their bride.

“What about food?” I ask.

“I’ve got some connections, I can figure something out,” Russell assures me.

“Okay, hang on a second, can we slow down for just a minute here?” Marco says.

We both look at him and see that he’s looking a little green around the gills. “Sorry, but I’m still trying to process the whole thing about us having a child, can we go back to that part, please?”

Russell smiles. “Hey, we knew we wanted it, right? The universe is just telling us it’s time a little sooner than we planned.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset about it,” Marco assures us both quickly, reaching down and resting a hand over my belly, “Just need a second to process before we dive into the prospect of cramming months of wedding planning into three days.”

“It’s a lot to take on,” Russell agrees, putting his hand over Marco’s, “But we can handle it. We can handle anything together.”

And I know, from the bottom of my heart, that he means it. The two of them love me, and I know without a doubt that they’re going to spend the rest of our lives making my dreams come true. I only hope I can return the favor.

We thought it was a mistake that brought us together, but I’ve learned the truth since then. It was no accident that all three of us got matched, it was fate, and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for us next.


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