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Before she could say anything, he kissed her again. Jonet felt herself melt in his arms, clinging to him. She too did not want to let him go. Telling him to leave had broken off pieces of her soul and she did not think she had the strength to say it again.

The kiss shifted, from tender longing to a blazing heat that threatened to consume them both. He wound his fingers into her drying hair as his tongue slipped past her lips to grapple with her own. Jonet gripped his shirt, feeling those familiar sparks of feminine yearning throughout her body and she knew she would not be able to hold back. Whatever self-control she had left diminished in the light of everything that had happened.

She needed him right now. Every inch of him he was willing to give her.

As if he could read her thoughts, Matthew let out a primal groan. His roaming hand slid from her face down her neck as his lips broke away from hers. He tilted her head aside and his mouth descended onto her neck.

Jonet’s legs grew weak, but Matthew had a strong arm banded around her lower back. She gasped at the feel of his teeth grazing her tender neck, his tongue licking the area as if to smooth it all away. It traveled from the base of her neck, to her ear and then back down, leaving her a trembling mess.

“Matthew…” she gasped.

He was spurred on by her words. He held her tighter, his hand palming her breast through her dress. Jonet could do nothing except feel—his tongue on her neck, his hand pulling her dress down, his hard body pressed against hers. She could still feel his length against her thigh from the loch and now, her body was positively thrumming with anticipation. She wanted nothing more than to see that again, to feel its strenuous power and have it take her to release.

Once he had managed to be rid of all her clothing, her mind drew a blank. Jonet could think of nothing but her need, her desperation, her silent cry when he nipped her chin while his fingers tugged her nipple. The mixture of pain with pleasure was so euphoric that she did not think anything could possibly feel better.

Yet, when he dipped his lips down to that nipple, tugging lightly with his teeth before sucking, she knew she was wrong. How she managed to stay on her feet was a miracle, but it seemed Matthew could tell she would not be able to keep herself upright for much longer. He swooped her into his arms, switching his lips to the other nipple, as though he were a starved man that could not bear to get enough.

He lowered her down onto the bed, finally pulling away. Jonet had a few moments of clarity, her head clearing enough to see that he was beginning to undress. She held her breath in anticipation. She had seen his bare chest before, her mouth nearly turning dry in sight of it. Yet she had never seen him fully naked and she was already trembling.

Matthew shed his clothing quickly, as if he could not bear to be apart from her for too long. The air sizzled with intense sexual energy, driving his movements that were filled with acute craving. The moment all his clothing was off, he tried to crawl onto the bed, but she stopped him with a foot to his chest.

“Wait,” she whispered. “I want to see ye.”

Matthew’s eyes were dark. Slowly, he came to a stand while she sat up, drinking him in. She had never expected him to disappoint her, but she had not been prepared for this.

He was simply beautiful. The epitome of a man, from the hard jaw, to the curling hair over his broad chest, to the powerful legs… and the appendage he boasted between them. She could not take her eyes off it and when he cleared his throat, she was positive he was laughing.

“Do ye like what ye see, Jonet?” he asked her, whispering as well. As if they did not dare to let their voices break this beautiful moment.

She could not care to be coy or shy. She nodded. “I do. Very much.”

This time, she heard his laugh. He came towards her and pushed her back onto the bed as he crawled on top. “That’s wonderful. Because I have never seen a woman as beautiful as ye are.”

To accentuate his words, he began to rain kisses onto her neck again, trailing downwards. Jonet enjoyed the feel of it, the not-so-innocent direction of his kisses that had her filled with expectation. When his lips finally found her breasts again, she let out a sigh of contentment. Her eyes drifted shut, and a smile covered her lips.

He squeezed one while he sucked on the other. With his free hand, he caressed her. He ran a hand down to her waist, the pad of this thumb rubbing gently over her smooth skin. Then he gripped her hip, his fingers sliding under to do the same for her bum. It kept her on edge, kept her waiting for the final destination that would conclude his tease.

Matthew broke away from her nipple, running his tonge down the length of her stomach. It dipped into her navel, a sensation that she had not expected to feel so good, before it went lower.

When it passed her hips, Jonet sat up halfway, gasping, “Matthew…”

He did not respond. He only parted her legs with his hands and came to a stop right atop the triangle of dark hair.

A finger touched her there, slipping easily over the sensitive nubbin. Jonet lost all the strength in her arms and collapsed back onto the bed, her eyes closing again. He continued to move his finger around… and around and around until he slipped it inside.

Next, she felt his tongue.

Jonet did not know this sort of pleasure was ever possible. She took to grasping the bed sheet, and panted desperately, with words impossible. She could hardly think straight, could hardly bring herself to do anything except lie there in ecstacy, nearly writhing. As if he had known that was how she would react, he had a strong hand pressed against her stomach as he continued his torture with his tongue and with his fingers.

Something was building within her. Jonet could not place it, and could not control it. It only grew stronger as he moved faster. It was as if he could sense what was happening to her and was trying to make it worse.

There was nothing Jonet could do to stop what happened next. She dug her nails into the bed beneath her, her back arching off the mattress as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

There were no words to explain what happened to her. Her body was no longer her own, her mind had drifted to a beautiful colorful world that did not exist. It felt as if she had ascended her own body, as if she had left this world to live in harmony with the man she loved. All too soon, she came crashing into reailty, realizing that her body was still trembling through the climax she realized it was.

Matthew’s hand was covering her mouth.

She stared up at him, watching him grin. “I like it when ye call me name like that,” he said to her, kissing her lightly on the side of her mouth.

Tags: Lydia Kendall Historical