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Even though he was certain it was a trap, he smiled, “How kind of ye to offer.”

She put a hand on his chest when he took a step forward, shaking her head. “Ah, such a disappointment. And here I was hopin’ ye were a true gentleman. I suppose it is me fault for puttin’ me hopes in ye.”

Matthew clutched his chest in mock hurt. “Ah! An arrow straight through me heart with that one!”

Jonet narrowed her eyes in disbelief, but that didn’t stop the laugh from coming forth. She shook her head. “Ye are unbelievable.”

Matthew grinned. “As long as ye ken that I am fine and that there’s nothin’ to worry about, then I’ll sleep easy. Now,” he caressed her cheeks with both hands and pressed a tender kiss on her forehead, “sleep well and daenae worry about me anymore. I’m in nay danger, all right?”

Jonet’s eyes dazzled as she peered up at him. She had cast a spell on him, one that held him there as she nodded. “I’ll try.”

He could not pull away. Matthew’s gaze dipped lower, rubbing his thumbs against her cheeks without thinking. Her lips parted in response, so delicately lush that he could not resist himself any longer. He leaned in, brushing his lips against hers once before he deepened it.

Jonet accepted the kiss easily. Despite constantly rolling her eyes and her nonchalant attitude, despite the fact that there was still a wall standing between them, no matter how many cracks he had put in it, she didn’t deny his kiss. Her worry, her longing for his touch, her smiles and laughter… they all gave him hope that he would have her hand in the end.

Right now, Matthew wanted her heart and her body.

He pressed her against the door, his loins enflamed at the feel of her nipples against his chest. He wound his arm around her waist, his hand snaking into her hair as their tongues battled. Matthew feared he would not be able to hold himself in check as he had when they had visited the pool. The quietness of the Castle, standing in front of her bedroom, the raging lust that threatened to consume his very being… Matthew did not know if it was possible for him to stop himself.

What man would be able to? He felt a stab of jealousy when he thought of the fact that there had been others before him. Others who might have kissed her like this, who might have felt the silkiness of her hair as he gripped it, and the curves of her body against theirs. Her tantalizing smell, her soft lips and the way she moaned a little in the back of her throat as she deepened the kiss, a silent beg for more. He hated to think of other men who might have seen such a glorious chance as this one.

Unable to stop himself, he slid his hand down further, cupping the bum he had been ogling just earlier. She eased into his touch, letting out another moan. It came as no surprise to him how well she fit in his hand and as he ran his palm over the gentle curve, he only stoked the flames of his lust.

Desperate for more, Matthew broke his lips away from hers and descended them onto her neck. She gasped at the feel of his teeth grazing her skin, his warm tongue trailing along the path he carved with his lips. She clung to him, one leg sliding up his thigh as her nails dug into his back.

Matthew could not stop. He gripped her bum, his other hand creeping up to her bosom before her fondled her there as well. She responded exactly how he hoped she would. Her body arching into him, a quiet request for more.

With Jonet pressed up against the door, Matthew continued to nibble on her neck, licking upward to her ear then back down past her collarbone. He ran his finger around the hem of her bustline, it was a silent question. Her response was to press herself closer to him.

Matthew tugged at her nightdress and he felt his loins grow harder at the sight of her lovely breasts. Almost desperately, he reached down to gather a nipple into his mouth. The instant he did, she stiffened. Matthew pulled away. “Jonet…”

She lowered her head, pulling her nightdress back into place. “I… I think I should go inside now.”

Matthew took a big step back, shame washing him. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I dinnae mean to—”

“Nay, nay, it’s fine,” Jonet shook her head. She flashed him a smile. “I’m only tired, is all. I think it would be best if I went to bed.”

“Ah, I see.” Matthew searched her face for any sign of discomfort, or to see if she was lying, but he saw nothing. Still not satisfied, he nodded. “Aye, ye should sleep. Goodnight, Jonet.”

“Goodnight, Matthew.” She smiled again, but her eyes darted to the floor a second after. Jonet shot him one last look before she slipped into the room and closed the door shut.

Matthew stared at the door for a few long seconds. He did not know what to make of her sudden retreat. He was certain she had felt every bit of the way he had, but could he truly have read her wrong? Perhaps she really was not ready to ope

n up herself to him.

He slowly turned and walked away, his chest sinking. For some reason, it felt as if, despite all the progress, he had now taken five steps backwards.

Chapter 14

Jonet certainly could not go to sleep. She knew that the moment she closed the door behind her and unabashedly pressed her ear to the wood to listen for Matthew’s retreat. She heard nothing, as she expected to, but she stayed there anyway, her heart still pounding from their kiss.

After a few seconds went by, she sighed and turned her ear away, putting her back to the door. She could not believe what had happened.

I should have kent that it would lead to that but… I dinnae expect it to be so intense!

She had never felt anything like that before. That emotion had been… far too strong to label it as such. It had been all-consuming, chasing away every sane thought she held on to since she had met Matthew. She had already begun to see that it would be difficult to keep him at arm’s length, that her heart was warming to him. But that? That profound need? How could she ever have expected it?

Thank God I was able to stop it before it went too far.

Tags: Lydia Kendall Historical