Chapter Eighteen

Several days later, they walked down the hallway with his arm around her waist when she tilted her head into a room they passed.

“Hey, there’s that woman Kinley who brought in the donuts. How’s she doing?”

Caleb nodded. “Good. One of the new partners is interested in her and has taken her under his wings.”

“I’m glad. The few times I’ve seen her, she seemed so sad.”

“I think so, too. I’m not sure what her story is, though.”

“I’d like to befriend her.”

“That’s a good idea, baby. I think she’d love to have one.”

“Me, too. I don’t have any girlfriends here so we could support each other.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re a good person.”

“So are you.” She smiled up at him.

Bella was laughing at something Caleb was saying as he opened the conference room door. She was bombarded with so many voices, both men’s and women’s. Everyone stopped and turned to look at them.

She snapped her mouth shut, and her gaze darted around the room. “What’s going on?”

“These are the partners and their wives or girlfriends. We’re celebrating the new partners with some of our friends.”

She stared up at him. “Oh, my, God, why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice rose with each word.

“Look at your nails, baby.”

She looked down at them and cringed. She had bitten them down to the nub, and they looked awful.

“See. When you get nervous, you do that shit,” he pointed out. “And I didn’t want you to worry, so I didn’t tell you.”

“I’m not sure if I’m happy with you or not.”

He kissed her forehead. “Decide later. Travis is headed this way with his wife and little, Nia. She’s very sweet.”

She watched Travis and his beautiful wife come stand in front of them.

“Hi, honey. I’d like you to meet Nia, my wife.”

Bella nodded but was unable to pull her stare from the woman in front of her. She looked friendly, but Bella was still worried she wouldn’t like her.

Both men snorted in amusement, but she still didn’t look away.

“Hi,” Nia said.


Nia pointed to a group of women. “Do you want to come over with me? I’ll introduce you to them. They’re all very nice.”

Bella glanced up at Caleb.

“Go, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

She nodded and let Nia take her hand and lead her across the room. She kept glancing back to make sure Caleb was there, and he just grinned at her.

Nia stopped them in front of a group of girls. “This is Sienna, Riley, Aleena, Larkin, Brylee.”

Oh, Lord. They were all so cute and staring at her.

“Hey, we’re glad to meet you. We’re starting a Little Club. Get it?” Larkin said and laughed. “Do you want to be a member?”

Bella remembered this one as Larkin. “It’s just for littles?”

“Yup.” Larkin nodded. “We have another member. Her name is Eve. She’ll be here with her daddy soon.”

“So, I’m the eighth one?”

One of the other girls spoke up. “Hey, I’m Brylee. Nia went too fast, so I didn’t know if you caught our names,” she said and laughed with the other women. “The answer is yes, you are the eighth, but we’re trying to get Kinley to join, so that will make nine.”

“Oh. Is she a little?”

“Yes, she just doesn’t know it yet,” Larkin informed her.

Bella grinned. “I’m glad. I think she really needs a friend.”

“Or eight,” Riley said and laughed.

Bella sat down with the girls and listened. They were fun women. The one named Larkin seemed to be the leader of the club, or maybe she was just the most outspoken.

She was introduced to Eve when she got there. Bella really liked her. She seemed incredibly sweet, and she sat right next to her on one of the sofas.

“Has Larkin made you tired yet?” Eve asked.

Bella burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Larkin asked.

“Nothing,” Eve said.

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