Page 14 of Mail Order Mom

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Chapter 9


It was bad.

The unsettling tingles rushed up and down his body. His cock swelled with heat and pressure. His tail twitched, tenting his pants from the back.

Not good. Not good at all.

He’d spent over a decade in full control of his body. All it took was one human woman pressing her sweet naked body to his, and he almost lost it. She had felt so good in his arms. It took everything he had to let her go.

The sensation of her soft skin, damp after her bath, tormented his memory.

His cock throbbed painfully and urgently, demanding a release. The easiest way would be to head straight to his bedroom, lower the privacy shield over his bed, and use his own hand to calm his throbbing member.

The problem with that solution was that he’d be thinking about her while he pleasured himself. With the way things had gone that day, he’d end up roaring her name at the top of his lungs while coming.


Even her name felt like a forbidden pleasure on his tongue when he whispered it.

After making sure the children had settled into their beds for the night, he put on a pair of shoes and stomped outside. The night was thicker out here, away from the lit living space. He chose a direction and took off in a jog along the path that snaked between the garden-homes of Diria.

Touching himself while thinking of Susanna, he feared, would be like training his body to associate that kind of pleasure with her. Instead, he chose to work the lust out of his system by physically exhausting his body. He’d run until all the images of her curves would disappear from his mind.

Seeing her flat, breast-less stomach was bizarre. Sadly, it turned out to be the exciting kind of bizarre.

He had caught the sight of her breasts, noting they were considerably fuller than those of the Aldraian women. It had been all he could do not to reach for them and touch them. His hands flexed as he imagined cupping her full breasts, kneading them, toying with her hard, pink nipples...

“Stop that!”he ordered his mind that kept conjuring all those tantalizing images.

“And you, too!”That was for his cock that started stirring and swelling again.

He moved faster, running between the hedges of his neighbors. Inescapable, the images of Susanna’s naked body chased after him.

What was it about that woman that wouldn’t let him get her out of his mind?

She’d stirred curiosity in him. There was a vulnerability in those blue eyes of hers. He had sensed something fragile and broken in the way she’d clung to him, trembling and scared.

That afternoon, he’d kept asking her questions, and the more he’d learned, the more he wanted to know.

He’d also felt the unexpected desire to share. He’d known her for less than a day, yet he’d already blabbed more about his life to her than most people knew. Their conversation went well beyond the new hire briefing he had intended. It’d been most certainly more than a job interview. It had felt like...a date.

He nearly tripped on the path, waving his arms to regain his balance.

That conversation in the kitchen had been very much like a date. He’d even served her wine, hadn't he?


That couldn’t happen again. He had no intention of romancing his new nanny, or his new wife, for that matter.

Susanna simply proved to be a good listener. Something inside him craved her attention. When she gazed at him with those eyes the color of the sky, he couldn’t stop talking.

Obviously, he’d been alone for too long, starved for female company. He needed to regain control of the situation in his own home.

After running for what felt like hours, he returned to his gate. Out of breath, his chest aching and his legs numb, he stumbled into the front garden. All was quiet; only the flying insects made soft clicking sounds with their wings and the breeze whispered gently in the hedges.

The moment he thought of Susanna, however, his blood rushed to his groin again. His cock stirred anew, despite his exhaustion.

Clearly, he had to go back to work as soon as possible. The less time he spent with his new nanny, the better.

Maybe, he could also start some home project to occupy his mind and body until then, since both preferred to focus on Susanna so much. Maybe he could move that hedge in the kitchen farther out, as he’d planned to do when he first got this place. By moving it into the ravine, he’d open up the view onto the lake...

The lake where the crash happened eleven years ago.

He turned his head to the north, where his late wife’s room lay untouched since her death. That was the one part of his home that needed remodeling, badly. Other than the routine maintenance provided by the automated, built-it systems, no work had been done there.

For years, he hadn’t been able to bring himself to even enter that room, not to mention touching any of her things left in there.

Tags: Marina Simcoe Romance