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Three acres? Feeling more awake, she craned her head to look at the surrounding scenery. The road leading to the resort was lined with oak trees, their huge leafy canopies forming an archway that blocked out the moonlight. When they emerged from the quasi-tunnel, the driver keeping to the twenty-mile-per-hour limit, she could see a beautiful white hotel in front of them, surrounded by vast lawns and trees, along with the tell-tale sign of little red flags in the greens of the three golf courses that formed part of the resort.

“What made you decide on Hilton Head?” Mia murmured. Even in the dark of night, the resort looked beautiful. The trees were strung with lights that sparkled between the leaves, looking like lightning bugs in summer. Dotted in among them were small white bungalows, each far enough away from the next to provide privacy. From the looks of the size of them, along with the enclosed private swimming pool behind each building, they had to cost a small fortune to rent.

“It’s warm enough to sunbathe naked.” Cam kissed her again. So softly she could barely feel it.

“It can’t be that warm. I know we’re in South Carolina, but still…”

“The forecast predicts high seventies. You might get a few goosebumps, but I can live with that.”

“Can you?” She lifted a brow, smiling up at him. She liked the way he was holding her. Like she was something delicate, that needed to be protected.

“Yeah. I’ve got a few ideas of how to keep you warm.” He pressed his lips to hers. They were warm and demanding, and sent delicious tingles through her nerve endings. He cupped her head with his palm, sliding his tongue against hers. “Would you rather go to a waterpark hotel?” he asked when he pulled away.

“And get drenched by a giant bucket of water?” She wrinkled her nose. “I think I prefer this place.”

Damn, he was such a good kisser. All the tiredness she’d felt only minutes ago seemed to disappear. He slid his hand down her thigh, hooking it beneath her knee until he could pull her leg over his body.

The driver cleared his throat. “We’re here. The bellhop will assist you now.”

Cam lifted his head, a smile ghosting his lips. “Later,” he mouthed, sliding her leg from his. “Thank you,” he told the driver. It was annoying how little he appeared to be affected by their kiss. Mia was still panting like a damned dog. “We’ll see you on Sunday.”

There were actually two carts waiting for them. The first driver took their luggage and drove ahead, while Mia and Cam climbed into the backseat of the second, which took off along the small winding pathways, past the deserted golf courses and expansive trees.

“Welcome back, Mr. Hartson. And welcome for the first time, Ms. Devlin. We’re delighted you chose the Evoque Resort for your stay.” The driver glanced over his shoulder, then back at the path ahead. Their way was lit by old fashioned lampposts casting golden pools across the gravel.

“Welcome back?” Mia said, arching a brow. “Do you bring all your women here?”

Cam laughed, shaking his head. “I came here for a golf tournament once. Pro-Celeb.”

“I’m guessing you’re the celeb?”

“So they told me.” He shrugged. “I only came for the free golf and food.”

She bit down a smile. “That’s pretty much why I’m here.”

Cam arched an eyebrow, sliding his arm around her waist. “The only sport I’m planning on playing involves being naked,” he whispered into her ear.

“That’s because you’re scared I’d whoop your ass.”

He kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “Do you play golf?”

“No. But it looks fairly simple.”

She felt his laughter vibrating against her skin. “Oh baby, now I really want to play you. Do you think they’ll let us on the

course without clothes?”

“You seem really fixed on this naked thing,” she pointed out.

He slid his lips along her jaw. “Yeah, I’m pretty set on that.”

Maybe she was, too. The thought of almost two days ahead of them felt enticing. No children, no cooking, no work to worry about. Just being naked with this man who knew exactly how to touch her, along with warm sunshine and a cool pool to dip into.

“We’re here,” the bell boy told them, hopping out of the cart. “Your luggage is in your room, and there’s food waiting for you in the kitchen, along with a complementary bottle of champagne. Your breakfast will be delivered at nine-thirty tomorrow morning, as you ordered. In the meantime, is there anything else I can get for you?”

Cam swung his long legs out of the golf cart, then held his hand out to Mia. She climbed out, a grin on her face as she took it all in.

“We’re good,” Cam told him, slipping him a few bills. He was good at that. Clearly had way too much practice.

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance