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People went for physical therapy sessions and back massages on Saturday mornings. This was no different, right?

The door opened. Cam stood in the hallway, a pair of low-slung grey sweats clinging to his hips, his hair wet from what must have been a shower, and no top to be seen. Just a deliciously rippled chest that made her realize exactly how mismatched they were.

“That’s not fair,” she told him. “If I’d have known we were starting like this I would’ve knocked on your door in just lingerie.”

He laughed. “Next time you can do it naked.”

“There is no next time, remember?” she said, stepping into his house as he held the door open for her. “This is a one time rehab session.”

He looked at her through thick lashes. “There’s nothing one off about what I’m about to do to you.” He closed the door behind her. “Okay, you can strip here. Leave your clothes by the front door.”

Her eyes widened. “Now?”

This time his laughter filled the hallway. “I’m kidding. Keep your clothes on for a while longer. I’ve made some coffee.” He walked toward the kitchen, inclining his head for her to follow. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure you’d turn up.”

“Really? You doubt your prowess that much?”

He looked over his shoulder at her. “You’re a smartass, you know that?”

“There’s nothing smart about me being here.”

He stopped in the kitchen doorway, his body almost filling the frame. Mia went to squeeze past him, but he hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. The warmth of his bare chest radiated through her t-shirt, his strong, thick arms circling her tightly.

“Hey,” he whispered, pressing his lips against her brow. “I’m glad you came.”

Mia lifted her head up, a smile ghosting her lips. “Did you mention coffee?”

“It’s coming right up. Sit down over there.” He inclined his head toward the breakfast bar. The infamous location of last week’s kiss. She did as she was told, sliding onto a stool and leaning her chin in her hands as she watched him froth the milk and pour it into two small cups.

She didn’t really need the caffeine. She’d been up with the birds, long before Michael left at the crack of dawn to meet Leon, Noah, and Josh for practice. She’d showered, shaved, and taken way too long looking at the parts of her nobody had seen – let alone touched – in a long while.

Would he expect her to be fully bare? Or just trimmed? What did supermodels do?

Of course they’d be bare. Hair was probably the enemy in their world. But she didn’t have time to do that. Not unless she’d used a razor.

And there was only one thing less sexy than hair down there, and that was cuts all over her soft skin.

Nope. He was going to have to cope with a little hair. That’s all there was to it.

She’d stepped out of the shower and taken a look at herself in the old mirror that hu

ng over the basin. She was pretty good from the chest up. Her breasts weren’t too saggy, and her arms were toned thanks to all the yoga she used to do when she had the time and money back in Kansas City.

Below was a little trickier. She had stretchmarks, of course, and loose skin where her body had never quite gotten back to normal after two pregnancies with big babies. Even if she sucked in, that skin was still there.

The thought of him seeing her naked made her feel sick. The last time a guy saw her fully bare for the first time she’d been eighteen, with a body she wished she’d appreciated at the time.

Now she was almost double that age. And right now she felt it. Cam was used to supermodels. How the hell could she compete with that?

She should just go home and hide before she embarrassed herself.

“What are you thinking about?” Cam asked, leaning across the breakfast counter, his elbows resting on the granite surface.

“I’m thinking I’m way too old to be a booty call on a Saturday morning, when I should be doing laundry or something.”

He laughed. “You can do my laundry if you’d like. I’ll tell you what, we’ll carry it down together and I’ll bend you over the machine while it washes.”

An image of Cam’s muscled body pressed against her back flashed into her head. “You can try all you like to make laundry sexy, but I’m not buying it.”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance