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“Oh, Mom…”

“I mean it, Josh. Go inside, wash up, and get your school work out on the kitchen table. You too, Michael.”

“You want me to do my homework, too?” Cam asked, a stupid lopsided smile pulling at his lips.

“Nope. You can stay out here.” She put a mom-voice on, ignoring his smirk. “I want to talk to you.”

Michael shot her a look. The kind of look he used to shoot her when he was a tween and she’d ruffle his hair in front of his friends. “Mom, I asked Cam to come play football.”

“It’s okay.” She forced a smile on her face. “Just go inside.”

Josh walked up the steps, the football still grasped between his hands. “Did I do good, Cam?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder.

“You did great, kiddo. You’re gonna knock them dead on Saturday. Just remember what I said, eyes on the ball. Nowhere else.”

Josh nodded, his face serious. “Got it.”

“Thanks for the ride,” Michael mumbled, following Josh through the front door. “Sorry about my mom.”

Mia closed the door behind him, then turned to face Cam. He was leaning on one of the wooden struts holding up the porch roof. His eyes were still narrowed, his gaze set on her.

“Hi,” he said, giving her a lazy smile.

She didn’t smile back. “Let’s talk around the side. That way Michael and Josh won’t hear us.” She walked down the steps, her arm brushing against his, then followed the path to the side of the Victorian house. When she was around the corner, she stopped, turning to see Cam right behind her.

It was an effort no

t to jump at his proximity.

“Are you going to tell me off?” he asked, that stupid sexy smile still playing around his lips. “Because you need to know, it’ll turn me on.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Is this a game to you?”

The smile slid from his mouth. “Is what a game?”

She gestured at herself then him. “This. Us. Flirting with me then playing with my kids behind my back. What are you trying to achieve?”

His eyes flickered to her lips. “What makes you think I’m trying to achieve anything? I gave Michael a ride home from football practice, and Josh was dropped off at the same time. He was so excited about Michael being his coach that he asked for us to practice with him. That’s what we were doing when you got home.” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not trying to corrupt your kids. We were just having fun.”

Her chest was so tight it was hard to breathe. Of course he wasn’t doing anything underhanded. “I’m sorry,” she said, her voice thin. “I’m just…” She exhaled. “So confused.”

“About what? Throwing a football.” He gave her another smile. It shot right through her.

Pressing her lips together, she shook her head. “No, the football’s the easy part. It’s life that’s harder. The last time I talked with you, we were talking about sex. And now you’re with my boys. The two don’t mix. Not ever. Not in my family.”

She leaned her head back against the stuccoed wall, and Cam cupped her face with his warm, strong palm. “Mia, there’s nothing going on. What you see is what you get. Yes, I want you. I’ve made no attempt to hide that. But I’m also Michael’s coach and you asked me to build some bridges with him. So here I am, building bridges.”

“I’m an asshole.” Mia shook her head. “God knows why you’d want a mess like me.”

“Because you’re fucking beautiful.” His words echoed through her ears. “And sexy, and funny, and you make me hard, especially when you’re angry with me.” He gave her a crooked smile. “I want you because I know I can make you feel so damn good you won’t stop thinking about me for days. And I know you want me, too.”

Her lips parted, her eyes shadowed as she stared up at him. Her cheeks were stained pink. “It doesn’t matter what I want. This can never happen. I’m not the woman you need in your life.”

“I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m offering nothing more than a few hours together to make you feel good. To make us both feel good. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about our kiss. The way our bodies moved together without us even thinking about it.” He curled his fingers around her neck, the rough pads caressing her skin. “Don’t tell me you haven’t imagined me inside you.”

Her body clenched at the thought. “Stop it.” She didn’t sound convincing.

“I said it before. There’s something here. Either we can keep fighting it and end up like this every time, or you can come to my place and we’ll try to douse this damn flame together.” He brushed his lips against her jaw, his breath warm and tantalizing. “Let me be your rehab guy. Let me make you come so hard you forget your name.”

Tags: Carrie Elks The Heartbreak Brothers Romance